§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

Letting It All Fall to Pieces

Letting It All Fall to Pieces

Sometimes the most courageous act is to let everything fall apart so you can decide which pieces you want to pick up again and which you want to leave behind or even sweep up and throw in the garbage.

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I Was So Pissed!

I Was So Pissed!

Five minutes ago, I was so pissed at my husband, I wanted to divorce him. I couldn’t imagine 5 more minutes in the house with this man, let alone the rest of our lives.

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#1 Way to Combat Fear & Anxiety

#1 Way to Combat Fear & Anxiety

These are uncertain times that we are living in and most of us are feeling anxious and fearful. Even if our own lives are fine, we can’t help but worry about others as people get sick or lose jobs or even die.

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