§ Together, we’re unstoppable.

Take the PASSION & PURPOSE LIFE COURSE® and create an extraordinary life!
My signature course that has helped hundreds of multi-passionate go-getters and do-gooders start their passion projects (businesses, non-profits, movements, creative projects) or get dream jobs, while creating lives they love!

Use Sacred Money Archetypes to develop a healthy relationship with money and attract more of it into your life!
I have attended several of Natalie’s workshops and have participated in one of her women’s groups for the past four years. Natalie is an innate motivator! Her inspiring vision of life and her ability to connect from the heart make her unstoppable! She is incredibly supportive, yet challenged me to dig deep within and reach my potential. She is capable of seeing the big picture and also breaking it down into an easy-to-follow path towards your dreams.
It has been a huge blessing for me to participate in Natalie’s women’s, parenting and coaching programs over the past 5 years! She has an innate ability to read group dynamics and the emotions that come up and to communicate in a way that reaches us all deeply and makes the experience very enriching for everybody. Natalie is sincere, wise, authentic, loving and spiritual and she always wants the best for those around her. Working with Natalie has been a true gift of personal growth and love! The way she lives her life is a great example for me and constantly inspires me as a woman, a mother, a wife and an entrepreneur.
Natalie’s Living from Passion and Purpose workshop and longer group coaching program were excellent! I got so much out of it! As a program leader, Natalie engenders a supportive, cohesive, and fun group. She employed varied modalities in the sessions – group discussion, reflective writing, vision boards, guided meditation” and reading and reflection, to name a few. Each week, I excitedly drove an hour in rush hour traffic to get to group because I knew without fail I would learn something new, finish the group inspired, energetic, and ready to take the next step towards living my life with passion and purpose. How inspiring it was to be surrounded with a supportive group of people who were committed to making the most of their lives!