§ Live your passions. Make a difference. Love your life!
Are you ready to live an extraordinary life?
Do you want to get out of bed each day excited for the day ahead?
To use your passions and talents to make a difference in the world?
To make a living doing something that has deep meaning? And have financial freedom?
Are you secretly (or not so secretly) afraid that you are never going to achieve anything great? Or that you will have regrets?
Do you want to have it all come together and flow without stress and strain, as if by magic?
Then my 90-Day Passion & Purpose Life Course® may be just what you need…
Does this sound familiar?
You have so many interests and passions but aren’t sure how to pick just one and start a business or passion project with it?
You have vague ideas about what you want but aren’t really sure what you were put on this Earth to do? How to put it all together into a career or business or project that works? Or you are afraid of giving up the security of your current job or business situation and follow your heart?
You’re so overwhelmed by everything that is already on your plate, that you just aren’t sure how to get started and implement your ideas or break down your huge dream into small doable steps?
You’re terrified of failure? Of success? Of not ever doing anything significant with your life?
You feel like you keep spinning your wheels, trying things out but never really gaining momentum? Like something always keeps getting in the way?
You start your passion projects with great gusto and energy but can’t seem to stay motivated and on-track to see them through to success?
The list goes on and on….
But here’s the good news…
My signature program, the Passion & Purpose Life Course®, was created to help you get out of uncertainty & overwhelm, get clear on what you were put on this Earth to do and start doing it!

§ Uncover your passions, strengths and talents.
§ Get clear on what you were put on this Earth to do (your PURPOSE).
§ Discover what gets in the way of creating your ideal life and find ways to turn it all around.
§ Learn how to turn a negative, fearful mindest into one that supports and empowers you and will help you manifest whatever your heart desires.
§ Learn the #1 most effective tool I have come across in my 20+ years of personal growth to quickly and effectively shift mindset and transform pretty much anything that stands between you and your ideal life.
§ Create a step-by-step plan to turn your big dream into doable action steps.
§ Get it all down in your calendar, down to the week or even the day, so you never again have to deal with the overwhelm of not knowing what to do.
§ Learn effective strategies to stay motivated, inspired and on-track for the rest of your life.
Put quite simply, Natalie Matushenko’s Living from Passion and Purpose Program changed my life. With her guidance, I developed the insights and perspective I needed to begin living my life much more intentionally and to create the life I want. I retain and regularly rely on nuggets of wisdom I picked up during my time with Natalie, which makes a huge difference in day to day life. I have also learned the greater lessons Natalie taught me about living a life that builds up from passion and proceeds with purpose.
As a result, since participating in Natalie’s program, I have met and married the love of my life, I have attained my “end game” job (a decade ahead of schedule), and I have traveled to destinations I thought would only ever be dreams, including Prague, Madagascar, and the top of my bucket list – Tibet! I have lived abroad, learned a new language, been on safari (several times!), and abseiled down the side of Table Mountain. And all of that feels like just the beginning. I highly recommend Natalie’s Living from Passion and Purpose Program to anyone who wants to learn about creating the life you want, and living a life that resonates with your dreams.
§ Pre-work to get you ready to explore what you were put on this Earth to do (about two to three hours of work).
§ 9 weekly two – hour group coaching calls with me (on video) and a group of multi-passionate people who want to make a difference and change the world.
§ Recordings of all course content, in case you miss one or want to experience it again.
§ Exercises, tools and action items in between coaching calls to deepen your self-awareness, transform mental paradigms and create empowering beliefs to get clear on your passion and purpose (minimum 1 hour per week).
§ Private Facebook group to share successes and struggles and create accountability, along with coaching from me in-between sessions.
§ Sharing the journey with other amazing people who are determined to live their passion and purpose, will support and encourage you and not let you play small.
§ Extended toolkit of practices, spiritual and practical wisdom.
§ Exactly what you need to know in order to live from passion and purpose!
By signing up for the Living from Passion & Purpose Life Course®, you will get a Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment and a 60 minute coaching session with me to help you understand how you naturally approach money and how you can use your strengths and minimize your challenges, to make more money and attract more of it into your life.
I’m doing what I love because of Natalie! …Natalie’s Living from Passion and Purpose workshop and longer group coaching program were excellent! I got so much out of it! As a program leader, Natalie engenders a supportive, cohesive, and fun group. She employed varied modalities in the sessions – group discussion, reflective writing, vision boards, guided meditation” and reading and reflection, to name a few. Each week, I excitedly drove an hour in rush hour traffic to get to group because I knew without fail I would learn something new, finish the group inspired, energetic, and ready to take the next step towards living my life with passion and purpose. How inspiring it was to be surrounded with a supportive group of people who were committed to making the most of their lives!
§ are a self-starter and have a history of taking action and creating results.
§ take 100% responsibility for your results and your life.
§ are truly ready, willing, able and committed to changing your life and living from passion and purpose!
So here’s the thing…
I have been where you are and I know what it takes to create an amazing life – a life in which you are using your gifts, talents and passions to make a huge impact and do what you were put on this Earth to do (your Purpose), enjoying financial abundance, having it all flow and come together, as if by magic, all while enjoying great relationships and taking great care of yourself and feeling your best.
I was raised in an immigrant family to be “successful” and make lots of money. Loving what I do and making a difference in the world wasn’t valued much where I come from. I did what was expected of me, attended a top business school at an Ivy League University, got the high-paying but soul sucking job, kicked butt in the business world and then left it all after 5 years to do what I was put on this Earth to do – to teach and inspire others to live their best life!
During the past 25 years, I healed tons of childhood trauma, tried and tested every healing, psychological and entrepreneurial modality under the sun and created an amazing life for myself. A life that’s authentically me! I now live with my loving family in a small town in the Andes Mountains of South America, enjoying a slower pace of life and learning from some of the happiest people in the world. We spend the summers in the United States catching up with family and friends and travel all over the world during other school holidays (about two months per year). Life is good!
To read more about who I am and why I may be the perfect companion for your journey, click here.

§ Pre-work to get you ready to explore what you were put on this Earth to do (about two to three hours of work).
§ 9 weekly two – hour group coaching calls with me (on video) and a group of multi-passionate people who want to make a difference and change the world.
§ Recordings of all course content, in case you miss one or want to experience it again.
§ Exercises, tools and action items in between coaching calls to deepen your self-awareness, transform mental paradigms and create empowering beliefs to get clear on your passion and purpose (minimum 1 hour per week).
§ Private Facebook group to share successes and struggles and create accountability, along with coaching from me in-between sessions.
§ Sharing the journey with other amazing people who are determined to live their passion and purpose, will support and encourage you and not let you play small.
§ Extended toolkit of practices, spiritual and practical wisdom.
§ Exactly what you need to know in order to live from passion and purpose!
BONUS: A Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment AND 60 minute 1:1 coaching session with me for help you get clear on what your strengths, opportunities & pitfalls are when it comes to making and keeping money so you can attract more of it into your life! BONUS VALUE $500.
So that you can:
§ Uncover your passions, strengths and talents.
§ Get clear on what you were put on this Earth to do (your PURPOSE).
§ Discover what gets in the way of creating your ideal life and find ways to turn it all around.
§ Learn how to use your natural strengths to manifest more money.
§ Learn how to turn a negative, fearful mindest into one that supports and empowers you and will help you manifest whatever your heart desires.
§ Learn the #1 most effective tool I have come across in my 20+ years of personal growth to quickly and effectively shift mindset and transform and heal pretty much anything that stand between you and your ideal life.
§ Create a step-by-step plan to turn your big dream into doable action.
§ Get it all down in your calendar, down to the week or even the day, so you never again have to deal with the overwhelm of not knowing what to do.
§ Learn effective strategies to stay motivated, inspired and on-track for the rest of your life.
From day one of the Living from Passion and Purpose Program, I felt inspired to change my life. As a result of this course, I gained control – I learned that I control myself, my life and my environment. I have the power to change my life and my way of thinking – to think positively and big.
Many people spend hundreds of thousands on their education only to wind up in a career that they don’t love. The Passion & Purpose Life Course® is only a fraction of the cost of a university class and it will get you the results you crave. It’s actually a bargain!
The Passion & Purpose Life Course® is an investment that you will be making in yourself and to create your ideal life. The investment amount is $1495 if paid in full or 3 installments of $595.
As a result of the Living from Passion and Purpose course, I am more positive about my life and my ability to direct it. Natalie is very effective as a leader. She is open and supportive and a great listener. I have told many people – do it! It’s wonderful!
Enrollment in the Living from Passion and Purpose Life Course is by application only. Here’s how to apply:
1. Click here to fill out the application form.
2. My team and I will review your application and contact you to schedule a time to talk.
3. Show up to have a powerful conversation and find out if the Passion & Purpose Life Course® is the next step for you.
Working with Natalie is the best investment I ever made! It has been magical! …Within a couple of sessions of working with Natalie, we were able to give birth to my passion project… It was amazing how quickly it happened! Since then, everything has fallen into place and I am so excited that this project is taking shape and growing. I am attracting collaborators and support and it feels great!
What makes Natalie so effective as guide in this process is that she is the perfect blend of the feminine – highly intuitive, inspiring, can go very deep to help me find answers within and process emotions, centered and grounded, connected to the heart – and the masculine energies – she asks just the right questions, easily helps structure ideas into doable tasks, sets milestones and deadlines, and brings focus when I am not feeling centered. It’s amazing how she can pick up the energy of the moment and pull out the exact tool that I need to guide me to the best possible outcome. She’s awesome!
When does the Passion & Purpose Life Course® start?
The next Passion & Purpose Life Course® will be starting in September 2017.
I have tried so many different programs, will this course really help me?
Since I launched this signature course in 2001, it has helped hundreds of go-getter soulful leaders uncover their passions, figure out their purpose and start successful purpose-driven businesses, non-profits, creative projects and get great new jobs. To have a successful outcome, you need to be willing to do the work – to get real about what you want in your life, work through the mental blocks getting in your way and take action to create the life you want.
The best way to figure out if this course will give you the results you want is to fill out an application so we can schedule a get-acquainted session. I have tons of experience and I will let you know if this course will give you the results you want. If not, I will happily recommend other resources. Click here to fill out an application.
Who is this Passion & Purpose Life Course® for?
The Passion & Purpose Life Course® is for anybody who wants to uncover their passions more fully, find or refine their life purpose, make a difference in the world and live a life of joy while having time for family, fun and themselves!
Who is this course NOT for?
Great question! This course is not for people who:
§ see the glass half empty.
§ look for reasons why things don’t work.
§ complain & moan without taking action towards their dreams.
§ aren’t willing to show up, take risks, grow, hear feedback.
§ don’t believe that they can do what they love, make a difference, and have a great life.
How much time does this course take?
What you put into it is what you will get out of it. In general, the course takes:
§ 2 to 3 hours to do the prework (lots of questions to get you clearer on your passion and purpose)
§ 15 minutes to do the Sacred Money Archetypes Assessment
§ 1 hour for the 1:1 coaching call with me
§ Nine 2- hour group coaching calls every week (total 18 hours)
§ A minimum of 1 hour between group coaching calls to do the action items (the action items should take about an hour but the idea is that you become so inspired by your passion & purpose that you start your passion project (business, non-profit, movement, creative endeavor, looking for a great new job). This could obviously take as much time as you give it.
How is the program delivered?
The program will be delivered via video conferencing through Zoom.us. It’s super easy to set up on your computer, tablet or smartphone and is the next best thing to getting together in person. It’s actually better is some ways because we can all still see each other but don’t need to deal with traffic, parking, etc.
While I strongly encourage you to attend ALL course calls so you can get the benefit of being coached by me and receiving support towards living your passion & purpose, I understand that life sometimes gets in the way. This is why I will be providing all course participants with recordings of the course modules (me leading the course and providing course materials; the other participants’ comments or conversations will not be taped to protect privacy).
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have LIFETIME access to the course. How does that sound?
While I strongly encourage you to attend ALL course calls so you can get the benefit of being coached by me and receiving support towards living your passion & purpose, I understand that life sometimes gets in the way. This is why I will be providing all course participants with recordings of the course modules (me leading the course and providing course materials; the other participants’ comments or conversations will not be taped to protect privacy).
What if I don't get the results or I'm unhappy with the program?
I am confident that if you show up 100% and do the work, you will get massive results from this course. In fact, I am so confident that I will offer you a 100% money back guarantee within seven (7) days after the end date of the course if you aren’t satisfied and don’t think you have gotten more clarity towards living your passion & purpose. In order to process a refund, you will be required to: (1) advise me of your desire for a refund within 7 days of the course ending; (2) participate fully in all course calls, complete all worksheets and homework assignments and submit to me copies of your work; and (3) get on the phone for a 1:1 chat with me to ensure that we can learn from your experience.
Wow! This course sounds amazing but I'm not sure I'm ready for this... I need to do ___________(X,Y,Z) and then I will be ready.
If you’re serious about figuring out what you were put on this earth to do and to live passionately and with purpose, then there’s no better time than the present to start.
Here’s the thing. Our minds can always come up with excuses about how we can start creating what we want in our lives as soon as __________ (you have more money or time to invest in this, the kids are a little older, you retire, etc.)
And regret is what you’ll have if you don’t take the time RIGHT NOW to figure out what you want from life and WHAT LIFE WANTS FROM YOU – what lights you up, what your unique talents are, how you can contribute to making the world a better place and enjoy financial freedom at the same time (if that floats your boat!) – so you can soulfully manifest the life you are meant to be living!
How long have you been thinking about it?
How long have you been saying to yourself: “If only I had more time or money, I would…” or “If only I knew exactly what I wanted, I could…” or “If only I knew what my unique contribution is, I would…”
And what’s worse than looking back on your life in five or ten years or when you are 90 and thinking, “Wow! If only I had ______?” You fill in the blank.
The sooner you get started, the sooner you get the results and life you want. Period.
Enrollment in the Living from Passion and Purpose Life Course is by application only. Here’s how to apply:
1. Click here to fill out the application form.
2. My team and I will review your application and contact you to schedule a time to talk.
3. Show up to have a powerful conversation and find out if the Living from Passion and Purpose Life Course is the next step for you.
If you feel called to live from passion and purpose and make a difference in the world while living an amazing life, I would LOVE to have you join us. You too can have an extraordinary life!
With love and joy,