§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
How We Manifested a Free Private Jet to Get Us Home
This is a true story of my biggest manifestation yet.
I’ve learned to trust the Universe. Except for the times when I’m in fear and doubt creeps in.
Despite all the craziness I see in our world, I believe that we live in a friendly Universe that supports us in our evolution to greater consciousness.
I’ve been through some crap in my life. Born in a totalitarian regime. Sexual abuse. Physical abuse. Emotional abuse. Complicated and traumatic immigration to the United States. Painful relationships in which I allowed myself to be treated like crap because I didn’t yet know my worth. Several miscarriages (one pretty late in the game). Health challenges. Depression. Major anxiety and panic attacks.
Stuff that took years and years to heal. Months spent crying, curled up in fetal position in my bed wondering if I had the strength to go on.
And yet, I’ve not only survived, I’ve healed, I’ve learned, I’ve grown and I’ve created an extraordinary life for myself and my family.
Whatever wisdom I possess has been hard won and therefore so much more precious.
How can I not think that the Universe always has my back when I can clearly see that I would not be the person I am today without all the sh*t I’ve been through?
I would have less wisdom, less compassion, less empathy.
I wouldn’t have been able to help others without having lived these experiences myself.

I really believe this. I feel it deeply and powerfully when I connect with my spiritual nature.
As you may have heard me mention, my family and I have been marooned in Southwestern Florida for the past six months, unable to go back to our home in Colombia. Missing our close friends. Longing for our pets. Feeling displaced. Living with unhappy (and very vocal) teenagers. One didn’t know if she would make it back to school for her senior year. The other was despondent, missing her horses, friends and home. We all missed our life!
I was exhausted and miserable.

The worries came. How will we get home? When will Colombia open its borders? What if it won’t happen until 2021? Will the kids be OK? We’re bleeding money keeping up two homes…
My old defense mechanisms kicked in. When under extreme stress, I compartmentalize. I choose what I focus on and I put everything else in compartments in my brain, close the door, hide the key.
It’s probably not healthy long term but it sure helped me thrive in the pandemic.
Interviewing amazing wise women for my upcoming Extraordinary Life After 40 summit, like the queen of manifesting Marie Diamond also helped me thrive in this challenging time.
I kept hearing Marie’s voice, “it’s all about putting yourself in the best possible feeling state and learning to receive.”
I chose to focus on the positive and feel as good as I could in each and every moment.
It wasn’t easy but I have a lot of tools. Focusing on what I’m grateful for helped immensely.
We’re safe and healthy
We have the financial means to have choices
We’re near my parents and can spend more time with them than we have since I left for university thirty years ago
The kids are becoming more resilient. We are all becoming more resilient
We’re staying in a comfortable house, with a pool, 10 minutes from an idyllic beach
It’s sunny all the time here. Vitamin D is great for feeling upbeat!
I’m getting to spend more time than I could have hoped for with my husband and three girls
I’m getting to see my growth edges – where I get afraid, impatient, cranky, pull back, show up as less than I’m capable of being – and I get to heal and transform them.
I chose to do my morning energy clearing and visualization routine and deliberately create my future. I envisioned myself happy, healthy, surrounded by loved ones. I envisioned my family, friends and humanity thriving.
Of course, I’m human and I had my moments of fear and doubt. But somehow deep inside I knew that everything would work out.
That my oldest daughter would head back to her school in Armenia, which she did a few weeks ago.

And that, once she left, we would be energetically free to somehow get back to our home in Colombia.
I had no idea how it would happen. But I knew deep in my soul that it would happen when the time was right.
We’re now at the end of August and Colombia’s borders are still closed. Only infrequent humanitarian flights get in and out.
And we are going back home! In a private jet!

I kid you not! I could have never imagined that the Universe would send us home this way! But I’m oh-so-grateful.
Here’s how it happened:
Through his work, my husband is involved in a project in another South American country. Some investors sold their shares and require my husband’s and one of his colleague’s physical signatures to be able to sell. But borders are closed and there are no flights.
So… what started out as a joke a month ago “Hey, maybe they will rent a private plane” has turned into “We rented a jet to take you and your family from Miami to Bogota, leave your wife and kids in Bogota, fly you to sign the papers at the airport and then bring you back to Colombia on the same day. Would that work for you?”
Yep, it certainly works for us. Now we know it’s time to go back.
And I’m still blown away by what we can manifest when we believe and are open to receiving.
What about you? Do you have any practices to manifest what your heart desires? What have you been able to manifest?
If you want to check out the practice that has worked for me and the hundreds I women I have taught it to, check out my Morning Meditation Practice here. My gift to you.

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. I’ve received such amazing feedback about my Wisdom Wednesday series!
These are FREE 5 – 10 minute short, actionable videos recorded with me FOR YOU by world-renowned experts to help you thrive in these challenging times.
This week, I’m interviewing THREE amazing women:
Annette Rugulo – Annette is a Global Teacher and Speaker, Author of Soul Whisperer: Releasing Lost Souls, Environmental Healer, and Soul Guide. For more than 15 years, Annette has made her Transformation experience global by teaching, consulting, and mentoring over 2,000 people in more than 20 countries.
Krystalya Marie – Krystalya is an international speaker, trainer and self-empowerment guide. After healing a golf ball size lump in her breast with a symbol, she had drawn, Krystalya began creating Krystagraphs™ (Symbols) for healing all types of ailments. She is a best-selling coauthor with Deepak Chopra in the ‘Wake Up.’ book series and author of the ‘One-Minute Energy Tune-Up’ series of books.
Jaitara Jayde – Author of the Amazon #1 best seller, The Four Sacred Laws of Sexual Enlightenment, Jaitara guides high achieving women to create art out of their life, through pleasure, leadership, and by being in their most powerful feminine expression of truth, love, joy, and impact, transcending dreams of love and legacy. She is also the founder of FeminineArtistry.com.
Annette, Krystalya and Jaitara will share with you how to thrive in these challenging times!
You can watch these short, actionable videos for FREE on my Extraordinary Life After 40 private Facebook group page or you can sign up here to watch it on my website.
Unbelievable 🌎
Interesting notion I’m sceptable
Hi Margaret! I completely get it! I too used to think that magic like this doesn’t happen until I started to work with the Law of Attraction and noticed how I was manifesting my heart’s desire in the wildest of ways.
Congratulations on your manifestation of getting home.
So glad for you.
When ever I put my mind, heart and soul into a request it comes within 24 hours, with the help of others, who hear the call, with their inner ears and hearts.
May your path and light continue to shine.
Happy home coming and love to your daughter in Armenia
Thanks so much Vivian! Isn’t it amazing how the Universe always answers when we ask and are open to receiving?