§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
When Our Kids Grow Up and Leave the Nest
My oldest daughter turned eighteen this past weekend. Adult(ish). To say that I’m a jumble of emotions would be the understatement of the year.
She NEVER slept. She was impossible to put to sleep and then up seven times a night her first year. She took one brief fifteen-minute nap every day, only outdoors in motion, while sucking my pinky.
I was exhausted. And completely overwhelmed with first-time motherhood.
I had her at thirty-one, after I had already savored the joys and freedom that come with a high-powered career, financial independence and non-stop international travel. Not to mention, getting to sleep as long as I want on the weekends.
During her first year, as the winter days brought less and less light, I would find myself pacing with her, back and forth, for hours trying to soothe her so she would stop crying. I was usually also in tears by the time my husband came home from work and found me, still in my pajamas at 6:30 pm.
I distinctly remember imagining a calendar and crossing off, with a big black X, each day that passed. I was counting down the days until she would turn eighteen. As a first-time mom, I imagined that it would take that long before I would get any sleep.
I also remember thinking that I would be fifty by the time she turned eighteen. That seemed so far into the future.

It’s hard to admit that I often wondered back then why I screwed up a perfectly good life to have a baby. “Perhaps I’m not cut out for this mothering thing,” I told myself in desperation. Everybody else’s babies seemed to sleep through the night and take long naps just fine.
I remember calling her “honey, sweet pea, love” – any term of endearment I could think of – to remind myself that this was my beloved baby. When she wasn’t screaming like a monster, she was really sweet and cute. I desperately wanted to hold on to that love that I had for her.
My heart bursts with pride and love when I think of her.

She is now an adult. And I’m turning fifty this year in December! I feel young still. Not at all how I thought I would feel at fifty back when she was a baby.

I know mothering is about giving them stable roots to know where they come from and wings so they can fly.
Why then is it so painful to let them go?
I take it a sign of the close connection we have built, the way our hearts are united.
I sit in all of the emotions – joy, pride, love, sadness, grief – and allow myself to feel them all. Knowing that this is all part of being a consciousness seeking mother and woman.
So what about you? Have your kids turned 18? Left the nest? How did you cope and thrive?
You know I love hearing from you so feel free to leave a comment below or email me at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. I’ve received such amazing feedback about my Wisdom Wednesday series!
These are FREE 5 – 10 minute short, actionable videos recorded with me FOR YOU by world-renowned experts to help you thrive in these challenging times.
This week, I’m interviewing TWO amazing women:
Deborah Murtagh – Deborah is a world-leading expert in mind-before-body weight loss, wholefoods and the ketogenic diet. For two decades, she has dedicated her life to empowering more than 30,000 women in over 48 countries, teaching them not only how to master weight loss for life, but how food is the key to inner healing and greater self-love. Deborah is the author of over 30 e-books ranging from diet, recipes, mindset and transformation.
Dr. Jessica Drummond – Dr. Jessica is the CEO of The Integrative Women’s Health Institute and author of Outsmart Endometriosis. She holds licenses in physical therapy and clinical nutrition and is a board-certified health coach. She has 20 years of experience working with women with chronic pelvic pain, facilitates educational programs for women’s health professionals in more than 60 countries globally, and leads virtual wellness programs for people with endometriosis.
Deborah and Dr. Jessica will share with you how to thrive in these challenging times!
You can watch these short, actionable videos for FREE on my Extraordinary Life After 40 private Facebook group page or you can sign up here to watch it on my website.