§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

Inner Peace and Positivity Are Closer Than You Think

Sep 8, 2020

We’ve all heard it – inner peace is not determined by outside circumstances. Inner peace is inside of you.

Do you feel like throwing something at the laptop as you read this?

If only it were so easy to cultivate inner peace! What about all the uncertainty, health worries and economic troubles? Who can be peaceful at a time like this?

I have to confess that I spent years chasing inner peace only to have it elude me.

I would do what I thought I was supposed to do – exercise, eat right, say my affirmations, meditate – only to feel inner peace escape me after a tense conversation with my husband or one of my daughters, something not going right with a work project or a worrying phone call.

I know how frustrating it can be to spend years on personal growth and healing, only to be knocked off balance by an event outside of my control.

Many of you have written me wishing me luck as we transition back to life in Colombia during these uncertain times.

I’m so grateful for your support and yet, I’ve been thrilled to realize that even after 12 days of strict quarantine (not going out at all, ever), I’m feeling really Zen.

My heart is full of gratitude for the abundance of my life and I’m enjoying the unexpected gifts of being in lock-down:

The sky and city views from my “office” on our terrace

The feel of our cats’ soft fur

The beautiful flowers that are blooming

The time we have to declutter our apartment and get rid of all that no longer serves us

Eating healthy meals and having the time to savor each bite and conversation with my loved ones

Watching the sunset from our terrace every evening with my husband

Cuddling with my hubby and girls and binge watching TV shows we never have time to watch when not in quarantine (Magic School Bus, Modern Family, Elite, Indian Matchmaking – depending on the interest of each family member)

I’m realizing how without my even realizing it, I have gotten to the place of looking for the gift in everything that happens and enjoying the moment whatever it brings.

I’m realizing how without my even realizing it, I have gotten to the place of looking for the gift in everything that happens and enjoying the moment whatever it brings.

I’m realizing how without my even realizing it, I have gotten to the place of looking for the gift in everything that happens and enjoying the moment whatever it brings.

I feel deep inner peace.

As I write this, Colombia is quickly shifting from five months of quarantine for most of its citizens to opening up bars, restaurants and public transport. Despite the current high transition rate of COVID. Despite a medical system that can’t support a population in crisis. The crisis created by a stalled economy is worse. People don’t have enough to eat.

Nobody knows what will happen with such a quick and drastic re-opening.

Nobody knows what will happen to security in an already insecure country.

I have no idea what our life will be like here.

And I’m still feeling deep inner peace.

I’m still relishing each moment.


Tools I’ve used to:

Cultivate happiness, no matter what (thank you, Marci Shimoff!)

Know that I’m enough and love myself (my gratitude to you, Marisa Peer, Debra Poneman and Janet Attwood!)
Balance my hormones (thank you Dr. Anna Cabeca, Deborah Murtagh, Robin Nielsen, Dr. Mindy Pelz, Dr. Lindsey Berkson and many others!)

Create fulfilling, intimate relationships (my infinite gratitude to Katherine Woodward Thomas, Arielle Ford, Tricia Bennett, Susan Bratton, Rory Raye and many others!)

Manifest everything my heart desires (can’t ever thank you enough Marie Diamond!)

And I share all this with you because you too can have inner peace and positivity no matter what your circumstances are.

You too can feel great in your body, mind and spirit!

You too can create an extraordinary life, even in these uncertain times!

All it takes is learning the right tools and using them consistently!

And if you’re over 40, it usually also takes balancing your hormones so you can feel your best.

I so want you to feel great too that I have been working for the past five months, interviewing world-renowned experts in hormone balancing, health, relationships, success, money, sex, parenting and personal so you can have access to their secrets to being vibrant, healthy, happy, sexy and successful in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond!

And I am offering all this wisdom and tools to you for FREE as a thank you for being in my community!

Registration for the second-annual Extraordinary Life After 40 summit opened yesterday. Learn more and register here.

You know I love hearing from you so feel free to leave a comment below or email me at natalie@nataliematushenko.com. I would love to know how your life is changing!

Happy Tuesday!




P.S. The over 10,000 women who participated in last year’s extraordinary Life After 40 summit loved it and gave me tremendously positive feedback of how the summit changed their life. That’s what fueled my desire to dedicate five months of my life this year to interview even more experts…


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