§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

Step Into a Brighter Future

Step Into a Brighter Future

Sometimes we know exactly what we want and what would make us happy but we just don’t see a way to turn our dreams into reality.

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Are you holding on to too much?

Are you holding on to too much?

As I delve deeper and deeper into the topic of creating our extraordinary lives after 40, I am amazed by how many women feel disempowered and over-the-hill as they move closer to 50.

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Am I Supposed to Be Over It Already?

Am I Supposed to Be Over It Already?

There is often this sense in our culture that we are supposed to get used to things and move on quickly. Not dwell too long in our emotions, especially in our grief, sadness, loneliness.

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The Power of Staying Busy

The Power of Staying Busy

Staying busy to stay one step ahead of our feelings gets a bad rep but sometimes it’s really helpful. I know that it’s healthy to grieve my oldest daughter’s departure and yet I’m so thankful that I am super busy with my own passion project

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