§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

My Year of Living Out Loud

Jan 14, 2020

As we landed and I heard the pilot say, “Crew we are at 10,000 feet, please take your seats”, I looked out the window and was amazed by how high up we are.

And then I thought about how three years ago, after a lifetime of a serious fear of heights, I jumped out of a plane (with a parachute, of course!) at 15,000 feet.
Even higher than the 10,000 feet we were flying at.

And I’m so seriously proud of myself!

I’m not sure how I got up the nerve to do it but I do know that IT WAS LIFE CHANGING.

I’m no longer scared of heights… well, mostly… 5% is still there.

Right before I skydived, I set an intention that with the jump I was overcoming all of the fear that held me back in my life.

And it worked. I’m pretty much not scared of anything anymore for too long.

I just remind myself that I had the courage to jump out of the plane so I know I must have the courage to make a phone call and offer my services or get up and speak in front of a large crowd or have a difficult conversation that can make or break a relationship.

I just remind myself that I had the courage to jump out of the plane so I know I must have the courage to make a phone call and offer my services or get up and speak in front of a large crowd or have a difficult conversation that can make or break a relationship.

I was thinking of this as I did my visioning for this year, MY YEAR OF LIVING OUT LOUD.

Here’s what I’m playing with this year:
1. Getting even more honest and real in my relationships and not settling for anything less than authentic, loving, powerful connection.
2. Becoming my healthiest self ever.
3. Getting in touch with my inner Sensual Goddess (big one for me!!!).
4. Learning how to work with Universal energy even more consistently.
5. Asking the Universe each and every day how I can be of service today. So far, the info I have received is: finishing my book, teaching more workshops and classes, collaborating even more with amazing transformational teachers from around the world and helping tens of thousands of women this year.
6. Using every opportunity to speak and write my truth!
To play full out, I will need a lot of courage. But I know I can do it. I jumped out of that plane. And I have challenged myself to up my game every year since then.

What about you? What’s your version of jumping out of the plane? What’s your symbolic act of courage? What do you need to play full out this year?

I would love to hear from you and create more community so leave a comment below or reach out to me by email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!




P.S. You can check out my skydiving video here. It’s pretty hilarious so be prepared to laugh. It certainly helped me learn to laugh at myself.

P.S.S. Check out my FREE “Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet!” Masterclass next Monday, January 20th at 8 pm EST. In just 1 hour, you’ll:
– Gain clarity on what would make 2020 your best year yet in every major area of your life.
– Identify what’s getting in the way of creating what you want in your life so that you stop the self-sabotage.
– Learn the #1 way to become easily inspired and motivated to take consistent action throughout the year.
– Walk away with a concrete plan to make 2020 your best year yet.
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