§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
This Is the Year to Be Visible
I love new beginnings! The chance to start fresh and to reinvent myself and my life. And what better time to do that than the new year.
I declare this year to be my year of visibility – the year that I stop hiding in any way and allow my light to shine fully.
I will:
Take every opportunity to express myself.
To ask for what I want and need with no apology.
To lovingly set boundaries that are being trespassed.
To express my feelings responsibly.
To give love without measure or restraint.
To write and speak on the topics that matter to me.
To dream big and tackle my biggest projects yet.
To remember, when I get afraid, that by letting my light shine, I am serving the world.
To model courage and strengths to all of my fellow sisters.
And to help you do the same, I invite you to take 20 minutes to fill out my “Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet” worksheet and start creating your abundance.
If you want 2020 to be your best year yet, you need to be intentional about it.

Do the worksheet.
Write post-its to remind you what you want to create in your life this year.

Learn to receive.
What do you want this year to be about for you?

Happy 2020!
P.S. I have a special New Year´s gift for you! Be on the lookout for the email about it! You´re going to love it!!!
Thank you, Natalie! This is perfect timing as my theme for 2020 is “Stepping Up & Stepping Out” which, of course, includes being visible.
Yay! Let’s do this together!!xoxo