§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
I’ve Been Feeling Optimistic Lately
I’ve Been Feeling Optimistic. This may sound crazy but I’ve been feeling pretty optimistic lately and even kind of excited.
How to Survive So Much Togetherness with Your Loved Ones
The idea of having uninterrupted time with my husband and three kids was a dream until it actually happened.
Feeling anxious? Here’s what to do…
As I write this, we are in an Airbnb apartment in Florida, trying to finish up what we have to do here so we can get back to Colombia where we live.
When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade
One of my biggest life lessons is to slow down. And I’m a really bad student
I Was Traumatized (and Ultimately Healed)
It was pretty traumatic. I couldn’t stop crying all night. My youngest daughter was a little distraught and kept asking me why I was crying
You Change and As If By Magic, They Change
My husband and I have been acting like newlyweds lately. And that’s no small feat given that we have been together for 26 years
The Power of Long-term Friendship
I just had the absolute joy and pleasure of spending 3 days hiking in the Oaxaca region of Mexico with my BFF from university
Is the Law of Attraction Not Working for You? (How to fix that so you can start attracting all that you desire!)
I hear from so many women who are disillusioned with the Law of Attraction.
I’m Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet
I’ve been working with the Law of Attraction for the past nearly 20 years and I’ve done pretty well with it