§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

#1 Way to Combat Fear & Anxiety

Apr 14, 2020


These are uncertain times that we are living in and most of us are feeling anxious and fearful. Even if our own lives are fine, we can’t help but worry about others as people get sick or lose jobs or even die.

What will our society look like when this is all over?
Staying out of fear and anxiety can seem like a daunting task but ultimately there are only two choices.

If we choose fear and all the emotions under its umbrella – anxiety, frustration, worry, sadness, anger, annoyance – we will find our lives to be intolerable as we go from one fear provoking thought to the next.

If, on the other hand, we choose love and all that comes with it – gratitude, hope, faith, trust – we will not only feel better ourselves but we will be beacons of hope for all of those around us. We will bring calm and reassurance to our children, families and communities. We will be of service to others. We will find a way to construct an even better future for all.

Choosing love seems like a no brainer but it isn’t easy. It’s a moment-by-moment choice and a practice.


We often need to do something to transform the anxious and fearful thoughts that come up into loving ones.

I have been doing personal growth work for nearly 30 years and I have been suffering from anxiety for almost as long.

I’ve tried nearly every tool under the sun to transform my anxiety into inner peace. A lot of things have worked but my absolute favorite technique is Modified Havening. Here’s a video of how to do it.

I just want to mention that I have never been formally trained in Havening. I learned on my own and by working with a certified Havening therapist. And then, I modified the technique to make it easy to use and feel better quickly. You can learn more about Havening here.

Try it out for yourself and leave a comment below to let me know what you think.

What about you? What do you do to transform your anxiety and fear?

I love hearing from you so feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Tuesday!




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