§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
Do You Trust Your Body?
Do you feel great in your body? Confident that you can trust its messages? If not, I know how you feel. There was a time when I was 20 pounds overweight and couldn’t walk up the stairs without huffing and puffing. I had little energy and ate way too much junk.
Are You Letting Fear Stop You?
Do you sometimes care too much what other people think?
I pride myself on not letting what other people think stop me from being who I am. Or doing what I want to do. Yet I can tell you that it’s not always easy.
How to Turn Your Vision Into Reality
Do you know how to turn your passion and purpose into reality? How to take a big idea or vision and break it down into doable steps? I got you covered…
5 Truths I Learned About Life and Fear By Jumping Out of a Plane
Have you faced your biggest fear? I did and it was the most amazing thing I have ever done.
What Does Money Have to Do With Passion & Purpose?
What does money have to do with living your passion and purpose? For many people, “Everything!’ I have worked with tons of people over the past 16 years and the #1 reason they always give for not living their passion and purpose and frankly, the #1 excuse for not even exploring what that may be is… MONEY!
How do you know if it’s really your purpose or just a momentary distraction?
Last week, I was ready to move back to the Ukraine, the country of my birth. A week and many miles traveled later, I am rethinking that idea. That got me thinking – how do you know when that passion and excitement you feel is the real thing, the kind that leads you to your purpose? And when is it just a temporary distraction?
Hilarious Video of Me Skydiving and What That Has To Do With Life
I’m terrified of heights. I step on the 4th rung of a ladder and start to feel queasy. And yet on a family trip to New Zealand in December, I crossed a major item off my bucket list: I JUMPED OUT OF A PERFECTLY GOOD PLANE AT 15,000 FEET!!!
How Elizabeth Gilbert Changed What I Do When I Get Stuck
I highly recommend this Elizabeth Gilbert TED talk to see your creative process and “getting stuck” in a whole new light.
3 Questions to Master Knowing Yourself
The key to living a passionate and purposeful life is to become a master at knowing yourself. What excites you, enlivens you, brings you joy? What has you jump out of bed excited for the day ahead? The idea is to incorporate more and more of whatever this is into your life.