§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

My Secret to Eliminating My Anxiety

My Secret to Eliminating My Anxiety

As I sat meditating for ten hours straight on a straw mat in a smoke-filled teepee in the lush Colombian rainforest while the meditation leader chanted and rhythmically beat a drum, I was aware of only one thing: how much my body ached

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My Year of Living Courageously

My Year of Living Courageously

Every time we are landing and the pilot says “Crew we are at 10,000 feet, please take your seats”, I look out the window and am amazed by how high up we are.

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Big news!

Big news!

Have you ever had a dream that was so big that you were afraid to even say it out loud? Perhaps you think that it can’t possibly come true? But somewhere deep inside you think, maybe well just maybe? I’ve had one of those for the past 20 years!

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Dream Trip to Paris

Dream Trip to Paris

I’m in Paris for a mother-daughter trip with my oldest who turns sixteen soon. I promised her this trip for her 16th birthday as we sat around eating an after-school snack eight years ago and sixteen still seemed so far away.

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Greetings from Kiev!

Greetings from Kiev!

I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I’m with the family in Kiev having a grand old time. It has been an amazing experience so far — seeing the city of my childhood transformed from Soviet bleakness into a vibrant, fun city!

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I’m going home after 20 years

I’m going home after 20 years

I just had an amazing session with my shaman. Something huge is happening in my life this week and I wanted to be prepared energetically and spiritually. I am going home….

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