§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

So Hard to Let Them Go

So Hard to Let Them Go

Every time I think about it, I cringe and feel shame and regret.

Ten years ago, a wealthy business man offered me a huge career break and I said “no” because I was afraid.

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Accepting Everything Just As It Is

Accepting Everything Just As It Is

This summer I went on weeklong retreat with two of my daughters to Plum Village, a Zen Buddhist Monastery in the Bordeaux region of France. I was expecting serious rest and rejuvenation but I got something else entirely.

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Honoring My Wild Nature

Honoring My Wild Nature

Visiting friends in Boston last week before heading to Europe for our grand summer of vagabonding, I heard a lot of awe (“Wow! Your summer sounds amazing!”) and exhaustion, (“Wow! Your Summer sounds exhausting”).

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