§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
It’s finally here!
Do you feel like the best years of your life are behind you?
Are you tired of feeling exhausted and moody and worry that you’re losing your looks and vitality?
Do you feel “blah” about your relationships as you notice that you would rather try to get a good night’s sleep than have sex with your partner?
Or maybe you are not content with the contribution that you’re making to the world or with your financial situation?
I get it because I’ve been there.
I created the free online Extraordinary Life After 40 summit because like many women, I felt my life turn upside down in my 40’s and despite being a transformational teacher and studying all aspects of wellness for over 20 years, I still struggled to find the resources to manage my hormones and make sense of my changing body, relationships, desires and needs. When you add to that the feeling I started to get that society puts us out to pasture when we are past our childbearing years, the situation started to feel downright depressing.

So I gathered over 40 world-renowned experts in the fields of hormonal balancing, relationships, sex, health, money, parenting, business, beauty, healing and personal transformation and what I discovered is that with the right resources and support, our changing hormones are the gateway to claiming our wisdom and power as women, to feeling gorgeous, sexy, confident, successful and fully alive, to renegotiating our relationships so they fulfill us, to finding our true purpose and legacy and to creating lives that are even better than anything we have imagined! I couldn’t believe that we aren’t taught this early in life and just had to get the information out to as many women as possible.
You can sign up for the free online summit here.
And where it gets even better is that as we fully claim our power and wisdom and honor ourselves, we redirect our natural creative energy to not only create amazing lives for ourselves but to also heal and inspire change in the world around us. We begin to make our biggest contribution yet and leave our legacy.
We create a revolution. My not-so-secret dream.
You can sign up for the free online summit here.
And here’s your chance to be a part of the revolution and help as many women as possible. Please share this with your family, friends, coworkers, any women you know who are over 40 so they too can uplevel every area of their lives and create amazing lives for themselves! Together, we can literally change the conversation of what it means to be a sexy, confident, successful and vibrant woman in her 40s, 50s and beyond.
Make sure you also join the Extraordinary Life After 40 private Facebook community to receive support, inspiration and tools to create your extraordinary life. JOIN HERE!
See you on October 21st.
Happy Tuesday!

I hate that I missed this, is there a way to rewatch?
Hi Lisa, sorry just seeing your comment now. At this point, you can purchase the VIP Membership which will give you access to all the videos plus over 40 bonuses at extraordinarylifeafter40.com. xoxox