§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
Do you feel guilty for wanting a fabulous life?
I grew up in a family and culture in which people struggled to fulfill the basic necessities of life. I was so steeped in the mindset of “lack”, that at first, it was hard to for me to dream and imagine having the life I really want.
#1 Thing You Need to Do to Manifest More Abundance
People often ask me how I created such an abundant life. And then they comment that I make it look easy and effortless. I laugh because for years, I struggled to manifest what I want. My life was not abundant.
From Near Divorce to Wedded Bliss
A Client of Mine was a Nurturer. Her Husband was a Maverick. But they didn’t know this.
The Game-Changer That has Allowed Me to Manifest Abundance
A few years ago, I learned that I am an Accumulator, Alchemist, and Connector and this knowledge changed my life.
I’m more excited about life than I have been in years!
I have a new spring in my step this week. Even more energy and zest. I’m more hopeful than ever for a better, brighter future.
The Number #1 Secret to Being an Ageless Woman
People often tell me that I look a decade younger than I am.
I’m not trying to look younger. I’m 50 years old and I’m proud of every wrinkle I have and every bit of wisdom I’ve gained.
How to Get Back to Positivity No Matter What
These past couple of weeks have been intense! I’ve found myself on an emotional roller coaster as I navigated the global, the political and the personal.
My Year of Presence and Joy
As we landed and the pilot said “Crew we are at 10,000 feet, please take your seats”, I looked out the window and was amazed by how high up we are.
Ready to close out 2020?
As the year draws to a close, have you taken the time to reflect on it? The wins? The losses? The things you are proud of? The learnings?