§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
My Year of Presence and Joy
I declare this year to be my year of presence and joy, regardless of circumstances – the year that I enjoy the moment and learn from all that transpires in my life.
And I’m so seriously proud of myself!

I’m no longer scared of heights… well, mostly… 2% is still there.
Right before I skydived, I set an intention that with the jump I was overcoming all of the fear that held me back in my life.
And it worked. I’m pretty much not scared of anything anymore for too long.
I just remind myself that I had the courage to jump out of the plane so I know I must have the courage to make a phone call and offer my services or get up and speak in front of a large crowd or have a difficult conversation that can make or break a relationship.
I was thinking of this as I did my visioning for this year, MY YEAR OF LIVING OUT LOUD.

What about you? What’s your version of jumping out of the plane? What’s your symbolic act of courage? What do you need to play full out this year?
I would love to hear from you and create more community so leave a comment below or reach out to me by email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. You can check out my skydiving video here. It’s pretty hilarious so be prepared to laugh. It certainly helped me learn to laugh at myself.
P.S. What if 2021 could be the best year of your life?
You’ve wanted to live a passionate life for years. You’ve wanted to find your purpose. You’ve wanted to create an extraordinary life.
Yet you’ve watched the years go by with nothing really changing.
And now there’s a pandemic going on!
So here’s how I see it – you can sit around worrying about your present circumstances or an uncertain future or you can take charge of your life and make 2021 the year that you finally start living the life you’ve always dreamed of (Yes! Even in these challenging times!)
To help you do that and as a thank you for being in my tribe, I want to give you a special gift – an invitation to my encore absolutely FREE Masterclass: Live Your Passion & Purpose (regardless of circumstances) in 2021!
• Gain clarity on your passions, purpose and life vision
• Uncover what would make your life a “10” in every area
• Identify what’s getting in the way of creating what you want in your life so you can stop the self-sabotage
• Learn the #1 way to become easily inspired and motivated to take consistent action throughout the year
• Walk away with a concrete plan to start living your passion & purpose
If you join us for the live class, you will be able to ask me questions and get answers or mini-coaching right then and there.
But even if you can’t join the class live, you will still get the link to the video recording and benefit from my tools and strategies to live your passion & purpose in 2021!
Let’s make this the year that you start creating your extraordinary life!
Happy New Year, Natalie! I am really excited about this new year. My motto is “Walk my walk” – just continue my way of doing things, and staying on my way no matter the circumstances or who tries to destract me from that. I gained a lot of self-confidence and trust into my intuition during the past year, and this is something I will continue to do: To trust myself, the universe and life itself 🙂
I love that we are connected and am looking forward to continue to find ways to showing up and being of service as part of your tribe out here in Germany 🙂 All the very best for you!
I have promised to myself by looking into my mirrored eyes, that I will do what is necessary to be healthier and happier than ever by the end of 2021 and further down – YES, WE CAN become ageless, healthier, lighter the older we get, and I can’t wait to reading your book and get the idea how to acchieve this 😉 My own book is also something I will take on, let’s share the good news whenever they occur 😉 Kindest regards, Dimitra
Happy new year to you too Dimitra! One of the blessings of 2020 is meeting you and having you in my tribe! You’re an amazing and powerful woman and I have no doubt that you’ll make 2021 and every year after that better and better. Let’s definitely support and inspire each other. xoxo, Natalie