§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
Ready to close out 2020?
It made me realize how little control we have over many aspects of our lives – the pandemic, the economy, the government, how other people vote, illness.
And at the same time, we do have control over other aspects of our lives – how we take care of our bodies to increase our immunity and have the best possible health, our relationships, our contribution to the world, how we show up for ourselves, our families and communities and so much more.
As the year draws to a close, have you taken the time to reflect on it? The wins? The losses? The things you are proud of? The things you need to forgive yourself or others for? The learnings?

This year, more than ever, it’s so important to take stock of the year so you that you intentionally create your life going forwards.
It will help you gain the awareness about yourself and your life so you can start thinking about what would make 2021your best year yet! Yes, it’s possible! Even during a pandemic.
That’s why I’m going to keep this blog post short and sweet and instead invite you to take 20 minutes to fill out my “Say Goodbye to the Year” worksheet.
20 minutes is all it will take you to learn from this year’s triumphs and challenges, get closure and get on your way to intentionally creating 2020.

Happy, happy holidays!
P.S. You won’t be receiving a newsletter or seeing a blog post from me until January 5th. I value my family time and will be taking the next couple of weeks to fully enjoy some time in the Colombian countryside with my family. Hope you enjoy your holidays, however you are choosing to spend them!
P.S.S What if 2021 could be the best year of your life?
Yes, even in these unprecedented times!
Do you want to use your gifts and talents to make a difference in the world?
To make a living or spend your time doing something that has deep meaning for you?
To feel energetic and youthful?
And do you want TIME – for you, your family, fun and adventure?
If you’ve watched the years go by without anything changing, there’s no more time to waste…
Here’s how I see it – you can worry about current circumstances and an uncertain future or you can take charge of your life and make 2021 the year that you finally start living the life you’ve always dreamed of! (Yes! Even in these challenging times!)
And to help you do that, I want to give you 50% off (that’s US$200 off!) my signature program, the Passion & Purpose Life Course®!
That’s right! I know times are tough so I’m offering my signature Passion & Purpose Life Course® at an unprecedentedly low price of only US$197!!
The Passion & Purpose Life Course® was created to help you get out of uncertainty & overwhelm, reclaim your zest for life, get clear on what you were put on this Earth to do at this stage of your life and start doing it!
This online course starts on February 8th, 2020 and it will be life changing!
Here’s what past course participants have said:

This is by far the most impactful course I’ve ever taken!
This course should be required learning for people! I wish my whole family could take it! I wish I had had these tools SO MUCH sooner. Who knows how far I would be now? I am delighted to have them now. Not a day goes by that I don’t utilize some wisdom I gained on this journey. I now know how to better handle my triggers and can now break down big projects into specific, doable tasks. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
Monica Webster, Paleontologist, Houston, Texas, USA

Put quite simply, Natalie Matushenko’s Passion & Purpose Life Course changed my life.
With her guidance, I developed the insights and perspective I needed to begin living my life much more intentionally and to create the life I want. I retain and regularly rely on nuggets of wisdom I picked up during my time with Natalie, which makes a huge difference in day to day life. I have also learned the greater lessons Natalie taught me about living a life that builds up from passion and proceeds with purpose.
As a result, since participating in Natalie’s program, I have met and married the love of my life, I have attained my “end game” job (a decade ahead of schedule), and I have traveled to destinations I thought would only ever be dreams… I have lived abroad, learned a new language… And all of that feels like just the beginning. I highly recommend Natalie’s Passion and Purpose Life Course to anyone who wants to learn about creating the life you want, and living a life that resonates with your dreams.
Michael Dill, Education Specialist, Washington, DC, USA

I see things differently as a result of the Passion & Purpose Life Course!
Respecting myself and setting boundaries has become easy. I have started to love myself.
Kavvita Nunase, Human Resources Executive, United Arab Emirates
Pretty amazing results, wouldn’t you agree?
But that’s not all… I wanted to give you as much value as possible so I invited 14 world-renowned experts to teach with me so you can get extra wisdom and tips around hormone balancing, manifesting abundance, loving yourself, cultivating success, losing weight, feeling your best, getting happy, improving your relationships and increasing your zest for life by reclaiming your sexuality! Learn more and register here!
I’ve never offered this course at such a low price – US$197!
This is truly a special offer that only lasts until 11:59 PM EST (New York) on Friday, December 18th, so don’t let this opportunity go by!
If you’re ready for to live your extraordinary life with passion and purpose and reclaim your zest, join us!
Let’s make this the year that you start creating your extraordinary life!