§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
3 Steps to Manifest All That Your Heart Desires
Within a month of declaring my intention to bring my workshops to an international audience in 2018, I had groups of amazing women (and a few good men!) waiting for me in Santa Marta and Bogota (Colombia), Costa Rica and Australia.
How to Step Into a Brighter Future
Sometimes we know exactly what we want and what would make us happy but we just don’t see a way to turn our dreams into reality
How to Claim Your Power
Now that you’ve shed what no longer serves you, it’s time to claim your power. Take 100% responsibility for your life and happiness.
My #1 Tool to Transform Painful Experiences or Emotions
“Your ceiling is the Universe’s floor,” Debra Poneman said to me when we were chatting recently. Her words stopped me mid-sentence. There was so much truth in them.
What Happens After a Huge Event
Now that you’ve shed what no longer serves you, it’s time to claim your power. Take 100% responsibility for your life and happiness.
Your Ceiling Is the Universe’s Floor
“Your ceiling is the Universe’s floor,” Debra Poneman said to me when we were chatting recently. Her words stopped me mid-sentence. There was so much truth in them.
The Discomfort Is Worth It!
I’m so frustrated, I could cry! Or throw my laptop! Or both!
Create Your Extraordinary Life, Even in These Unprecedented Times!
Nothing makes me happier than getting to do what I love, help people live their best life and make a difference in the word. And I want the same for you too.
Is it Ok to Want to Feel Better When There’s So Much Suffering?
I just don’t feel comfortable with a message that’s so self-focused when there’s a pandemic going on, racial strife, wildfires in California, the presidential elections.