Do the People You Spend Time With Build You Up or Bring You Down?
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! Do the People You Spend Time With Build You Up or Bring You Down? When I was asked years ago whether the people I spend the most time with bring me down, I was stunned with the realization that those closest to me were...
Do the People You Spend the Most Time With Bring You Down?
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! Do the People You Spend the Most Time With Bring You Down? Several decades ago, a wise woman asked me whether the people I spend the most time lift me up or bring me down. At that moment, I was stunned as I realized that those...
My Heart Is Breaking (And What I Do About It).
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! My Heart Is Breaking (And What I Do About It). My heart is breaking. I’m Ukrainian. When I was eight, we immigrated from Kiev to the United States. This left me often torn between two cultures – the Ukrainian and the...
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