Today I Turn 50!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! Today I Turn 50! Today, I am half-a-century old! And I’m excited about it! As you read this, I’m celebrating my birthday with close friends (in a socially distanced, responsible way outdoors) at a beautiful retreat center in...
I’m Turning 50 This Year!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! I’m Turning 50 This Year! This is a big year for me! My oldest daughter will turn 18. My youngest will turn 10 (double digits!). And I’m turning 50. I don’t really think much about turning 50 most of the time. I feel great,...
Why I’m Excited About Getting Older!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! Why I’m Excited About Getting Older! I am 48 years old and I’m excited about getting older. I have spent the past couple of months interviewing amazing women for my Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit – experts in health,...
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