What Happens After a Huge Event
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! What Happens After a Huge Event What an amazing whirlwind the past three weeks have been as we learned to thrive in these challenging times, balance our hormones and transform every area of our lives. The 2020 Extraordinary...
Your Ceiling Is the Universe’s Floor
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! Your Ceiling Is the Universe’s Floor “Your ceiling is the Universe’s floor,” Debra Poneman said to me when we were chatting recently. Her words stopped me mid-sentence. There was so much truth in them. Debra, one of the...
The Discomfort Is Worth It!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! The Discomfort Is Worth It! I’m so frustrated, I could cry! Or throw my laptop! Or both! I’ve spent countless hours this week resolving issues with the summit website. Videos weren’t loading at times. Pages weren’t showing up....
Create Your Extraordinary Life, Even in These Unprecedented Times!
§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD! Create Your Extraordinary Life, Even in These Unprecedented Times! Nothing makes me happier than getting to do what I love, help people live their best life and make a difference in the word. And I want the same for you too… I...
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