§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
Rethinking Everything In My Life
I wake up exhausted even though I slept eight hours last night. It was a fitful sleep because so many things are weighing heavy on my mind and heart
How This Marriage Was Saved
A Client of Mine was a Nurturer. Her Husband was a Maverick. But they didn’t know this.
My Secret to Eliminating My Anxiety
As I sat meditating for ten hours straight on a straw mat in a smoke-filled teepee in the lush Colombian rainforest while the meditation leader chanted and rhythmically beat a drum, I was aware of only one thing: how much my body ached
Putting My Dreams into Action
I can’t tell you how good it feels to stop procrastinating and finally be working on my dream.
Huge news! I’m finally doing it!
I have a huge confession to make: I sometimes feel like a complete loser because I still haven’t completed a dream I’ve had for the past decade.
The Joys of Furry Love
Truth to tell, I have always been more of a dog person but we travel so much that I just didn’t think it was fair to a dog to bring it into our home
Join Me in My Happiness Experiment
During the school years, I have the pleasure of living in one of the world’s happiest countries, Colombia
Always Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First
Are you totally overwhelmed with stuff to do after the holidays? Or just plain too busy again?
My Year of Living Courageously
Every time we are landing and the pilot says “Crew we are at 10,000 feet, please take your seats”, I look out the window and am amazed by how high up we are.