§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
The Power of Midlife Hormones
Women in their 40’s and beyond are badass! And it’s all thanks to our hormones
How to Make Love Last
I recently heard the wisest words on relationships that I have heard in a long time – “Love your partner (substitute children, parents, friends) as they want to be loved, not as you want to be loved”.
Heal Yourself With This Powerful Technique
I want to share with you a new healing modality that when I learned it blew my mind.
From Crippling Anxiety to Inner Peace
Have you ever felt completely anxious and angry because of a relationship problem (or anything else)?
Confessions of a Control Freak
I’m a control freak. And I realized a long time ago that trying to control everything in my life was just making me stressed out, anxious and miserable.
From Trapped to Freedom
For close to a decade, I had a burning desire to go live in an ashram in India for a couple of months and focus on my spiritual growth.
When My Rose Colored Glasses Came off
Summer always makes me think about relationships. Probably because I tend to spend so much uninterrupted time with my husband and kids in this season.
I’m Excited About Getting Older!
I am 50 years old and I’m excited about getting older.
How to Plan A Dream Trip (Now or When You Can)
Do you toss and turn and wake up all night long? Are you in peri-menopause or menopause and feel hot?