§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
How to Get Any Project (or Dream) Off the Ground
You know how it goes. You get an inspiring idea. You get excited! And then the fearful thoughts come up.
What if it won’t work?
What if it’ll take too much time?
What if I’m not good enough?
What if I’m too old?
What if it won’t make any money?
What if …?
Our brains are wired in such a way that any time you’re up to something new, you’re going to feel anxiety, you’re going to feel fear, you’re going to have those thoughts of, ‘Oh no, what if I can’t do it?’
Over the past three decades, I’ve had plenty of practice in overcoming my fear to pretty much change everything in my life:

I know how to get dreams off the ground… be it a trip to somewhere new or starting a business… and everything in between.
Check out the video and let me know what you think. Enjoy!
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!
An opportunity to work with me directly, 1-on-1.
I’ve opened up 5 spots for an individual 3-month coaching program to help amazing women, just like you, create the lives of their dreams.

“I feel like I’ve gotten a lifetime’s worth of value in three months! I’m finally doing what I was born to do!
Jennifer Hines, Nurse
Here’s what you can accomplish in just 3 months with your effort and 1-on-1 support from me:
How long have you been going through the motions and wondering if this is all there is? While having a sneaking suspicion that there’s so much more to life!
Set up a time to chat with me and see how working with me can help you create the life of your dreams! Set up a time here.
Let’s create your dream life together!
Don’t miss this opportunity!