Money: Manifest Abundance Course®
Use your unique money personality to manifest more abundance in 4 weeks or less!
✓ Learn how your unique money personality impacts your finances, your relationships and your life
✓ Identify what limits your abundance, transform your negative and fearful mindset and stop the self-sabotage
✓ Get into action with a step-by-step plan to create more abundance in your life.
BONUS: Get instant access to my 7 Steps to Live Your Purpose Masterclass!
Are you a Nurturer? Ruler? Or Alchemist? A Romantic? An Accumulator? Or a Maverick?
These are some of your Sacred Money Archetypes and they determine your money personality – how you make money, how you save money, how you invest money and accumulate wealth and how you manifest abundance.
They also play a huge role in your relationships as you tend to attract partners whose dominant archetypes are the opposite of yours and then argue about money, lifestyle, career choices… you get the idea!
Likewise with your work partnerships and teams. Chances are your staff and partners have dominant archetypes that are very different than yours. This means that you sometimes don’t see eye-to-eye not only on financial matters but on innovation, risk taking and implementation.
Understanding your Sacred Money Archetypes allows you to maximize your and your team’s strengths while minimizing challenges. The results are more group cohesion, better work relationships and INCREASED PROFITS.
Money Manifest Abundance
US$297 US$147
US$79 Each
That’s why I’m so excited about this online course, Money: Manifest Abundance, which I created so that you can have an easy, cost-effective, accessible way to:
Create a new path of financial freedom and independence
Identify your strengths with money and turn your financial challenges into opportunities
Create more harmonious relationships and build more effective teams and partnerships
Uncover and learn how to transform the unconscious money blocks that keep you stuck
Walk away with a concrete and detailed action plan to create more abundance in every area of your life (scheduled in!)
So if you’re ready to drastically transform your relationship with money and get on your way to financial freedom in just 4 weeks, here’s what you will learn in this 4-module course:
Take the Quiz, discover your Money Archetypes, and get a detailed overview of your how your archetypes run your relationship with money and your life.
MODULE 1 – week of November 4th
Gain an in-depth understanding of how your unique money personality impacts your financial situation, your relationship and your life.
MODULE 2 – week of November 11th
Clearly identify what limits your abundance, uncover limiting beliefs and learn to transform them into empowering ones that help you reach your goals.
MODULE 3 – week of November 18th
Shift your relationship with money and rewrite your Money Story to create more abundance in your life.
MODULE 4 – week of November 25th
Create a plan with concrete action steps to create a brighter future for yourself as you learn tools to stay motivated and on track.
A Q&A CALL with me to answer your questions and get on-the-spot coaching
Access to PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP so you can get all of the support, encouragement and help that you need
Access to all course materials through December 31, 2025
Instant access to my 7 STEPS TO LIVING YOUR PURPOSE Course
Money Manifest Abundance
US$297 US$147
US$79 Each
I am so confident that if you show up 100% and do the work, you will get results that I’m giving you 7 risk-free days to try the Money Manifest Abundance Course and see how it works for you. And if you’re not happy with your results, simply request a refund. It’s that easy.

What Participants Have Said:
Jane Slack Smith
Diana Smith
Lisa Dugdale
Money Manifest Abundance
US$297 US$147
US$79 Each

Hi, I’m Natalie!
I’m an expert in helping you find your purpose, create abundance and turn your passions into a lifestyle. I’m a certified leadership and co-active coach, co-author of the #1 Amazon best seller Ignite Conscious Leadership book, Ivy League University and top business school graduate and adventurer. Over the past nearly twenty years, I have helped thousands of soulful go-getters – entrepreneurs, Fortune 100 executives, not-for-profit leaders and in the top echelons of government – make a huge impact in the world while taking radically good care of themselves and creating lives they love.
I created my extraordinary life and believe that anybody can do it, even in tough circumstances! I healed from every kind of childhood trauma and learned how to thrive. I then left a high-flying career in international development to pursue my own version of success. I’ve lived in five countries, studied extensively with healers and shamans around the world and have traveled to over 60 countries.
I speak English, Spanish and Russian fluently and can get by in French. I currently live in Colombia, South America and spend about 4 months a year in the United States and traveling the world with my three daughters. I’m passionate about learning from different cultures, creating community, being in nature and creative expression. I also volunteer with several organizations that focus on the empowerment of women.
You can learn more about me and my work and get my free 12- day Live with Passion & Purpose Starter Kit or join my private Extraordinary Life After 40 community.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts on Monday, November 4th with the release of Module 1. Each week thereafter, a new Module will be released on Monday. The final module will be released on Monday, November 24th. I recommend that you do the course in 4 weeks, one module per week. This would be the ideal timeframe to watch the videos, do the worksheets and integrate the learnings and action steps into your life. However, I understand that we get busy and life happens so you will have access to the course materials until December 31, 2025.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course until December 31, 2025 – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 7 days and we will give you a full refund. All we ask is that you show us that you have watched the videos and completed the worksheets and can tell us why you didn’t get your desired results from the course – so we can grow and improve as well!
Let’s get started on transforming your relationship with money and manifesting your abundance now!
In just 4 weeks (or less) the Money: Manifest Abundance Course will teach you to:
Create a new path of financial freedom and independence
Identify your strengths with money and turn your financial challenges into opportunities
Create more harmonious relationships and build more effective teams and partnerships
Uncover and learn how to transform the unconscious money blocks that keep you stuck
Walk away with a concrete and detailed action plan to create more abundance in every area of your life (scheduled in!)
Here are the results you’ll get:
Take the Quiz, discover your Money Archetypes, and get a detailed overview of your how your archetypes run your relationship with money and your life.
MODULE 1 – week of November 4th
Gain an in-depth understanding of how your unique money personality impacts your financial situation, your relationship and your life.
MODULE 2 – week of November 11th
Clearly identify what limits your abundance, uncover limiting beliefs and learn to transform them into empowering ones that help you reach your goals.
MODULE 3 – week of November 18th
Shift your relationship with money and rewrite your Money Story to create more abundance in your life.
MODULE 4 – week of November 25th
Create a plan with concrete action steps to create a brighter future for yourself as you learn tools to stay motivated and on track.
Live Q&A CALL with me
Access to PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP so you can get all of the support, encouragement and help that you need
Access to the course and resources through December 31, 2024
Instant access to my 7 STEPS TO LIVING YOUR PURPOSE Course
Money Manifest Abundance
US$297 US$147
US$79 Each