§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
Are You Really Hard on Yourself? Watch this!
Have you ever made a mistake, a seemingly innocent mistake, that then had a big ripple effect and you felt bad about it? And then you beat yourself up about it? What if I didn’t do this? What if I didn’t say that?
Instead of beating myself up about it, I used a few simple tools to bring myself back to center and solve the problem!
I made this video for you to share with you how I went from self-flagellation to self-love and how you can too.
If you feel inspired to join us, head to agelesswomansummit.com to register for my FREE summit. 50 world-renowned experts will help you learn the secrets to look and feel your best, balance your hormones and thrive in every area of your life!
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!