§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
Best Way to Overcome End of Summer “Blahs”
I’ve been feeling a whole slew of emotions as summer winds down. Gratitude, appreciation, joy, sadness, grief, worry.
5 Years After I Came Out of the Spiritual Closet
I still remember how terrified I was before I clicked on ‘publish’ to make public my first blog post nearly four years ago. Palms sweaty, heart racing, I knew there was no going back. I was coming out of the spiritual closet.
How to Love Anybody (Especially Yourself) Better
Every so often a body of work comes along and completely changes my life. It alters how I live, how I see the world and how I love. And I love to share these resources with you.
The Power of Midlife Hormones
Women in their 40’s and beyond are badass! And it’s all thanks to our hormones
How to Make Love Last
I recently heard the wisest words on relationships that I have heard in a long time – “Love your partner (substitute children, parents, friends) as they want to be loved, not as you want to be loved”.
Do This If You Want Inner Peace
This summer I went on weeklong retreat with two of my daughters to Plum Village, a Zen Buddhist Monastery in the Bordeaux region of France. I was expecting serious rest, rejuvenation and inner peace.
What Got Me Through the Hardest of Times
I want to share with you a very personal story about the power of meditation to overcome hard times.
From Crippling Anxiety to Inner Peace
Have you ever felt completely anxious and angry because of a relationship problem (or anything else)?
Confessions of a Control Freak
I’m a control freak. And I realized a long time ago that trying to control everything in my life was just making me stressed out, anxious and miserable.