§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
My transformational summer…
Hi! How was your summer? Or if you’re in the Southern hemisphere, how have your past three months been?
I’m missed and wanted to take a moment to catch up with you.
For me, this summer was transformational. So much growth and learning and a whole new me in many ways.
I made this video to share what I’ve experienced and learned with you. Check it out.

Happy Tuesday!
Natalie – you don’t know me but I feel I know you. I love hearing about your life, your girls, your very real struggles and triumphs. I discovered you via your ‘for women over 50 summit’ and wondering are you going to do it again?
Thanks so much Jill for getting in touch! I’m actually working on a summit right now – Rockin’ Life At Any Age – and it will go live on Oct 31st. You’ll be hearing more about it in the weeks to come. It’s going to be my g=biggest event yet and I’ve had the privilege of interviewing icons in the world of personal transformation. So excited to get the info out to everybody! xoxo