§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

My Secret to Eliminating My Anxiety

My Secret to Eliminating My Anxiety

As I sat meditating for ten hours straight on a straw mat in a smoke-filled teepee in the lush Colombian rainforest while the meditation leader chanted and rhythmically beat a drum, I was aware of only one thing: how much my body ached

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The Joys of Furry Love

The Joys of Furry Love

Truth to tell, I have always been more of a dog person but we travel so much that I just didn’t think it was fair to a dog to bring it into our home

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How to Create Flow & Inner Peace

How to Create Flow & Inner Peace

How much of your day to you spend in ease and flow? With a sense of inner peace?

If you’re like most women, very little.

There’s so much pulling us in different directions that we are constantly multi-tasking and trying to “get more done” and be there for everyone else’s needs.

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