§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
How I Healed My Family Relationships (and How You Can Too)
Relationships can be hard. We are often reminded of this more than ever as the holidays approach.
How I Got My Groove Back
You know how sometimes everything seems to be going ok but you have this nagging feeling that something is off? Or you just aren’t happy?I’ve had that nagging feeling for the past couple of years and I knew what it was…
Turn Anxiety into Inner Peace
Have you ever felt completely anxious and angry because of a relationship problem (or anything else)? Want to learn how to come back to center and feel peace and love in your heart? I have been having major problems with a relationship that has been an important part of my life for the past year or two.
Miracles Do Happen
Dreams do come true and miracles do happen. I spent many years hoping my husband would join me in my passion for personal growth. Then a gave up. I just surrendered to things being as they are and decided to focus on my own happiness.
What To Do When You Are Triggered By Your Family
My family and I just spent a week with my parents during which I found myself triggered like I haven’t been in years. I won’t divulge the details to respect other people’s privacy but I will share that I often found myself feeling guilty, ashamed, angry, frustrated and very, very sad.
My gratitude for you (and how gratitude brought me out of depression)
As American Thanksgiving approaches, I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude. I’m so grateful for so much abundance in my life – my amazing family, loving marriage of way-too-many years, good health, supporting and inspiring friends and all the joy and adventure in my life!
Are You an Approval Addict?
Are you an approval addict? I didn’t think that I was until I took Amy Pearson’s course several years ago and realized that I was a perfectionist, a type of approval addiction. As in, if only I’m perfect and do everything perfectly, I won’t be ___________ (criticized, judged, fill in the blank) and I will be liked and loved.
I’m going home after 20 years
I just had an amazing session with my shaman. Something huge is happening in my life this week and I wanted to be prepared energetically and spiritually. I am going home….
5 Lessons I Learned From Taking Care of My Father
I’m very, very happy that I was able to spend this time with my parents. I re-learned so many old lessons which I would love to share with you.