§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
The Game-Changer That has Allowed Me to Manifest Abundance
A few years ago, I learned that I am an Accumulator, Alchemist, and Connector and this knowledge changed my life.
The makeup facelift that naturally takes years off your face!
I have to confess that even though I’ve spent three decades doing personal growth work and really love myself from the inside out, I still sometimes look in the mirror and don’t love the lines I see or the way that my face seems to be starting to be pulled down by gravity lately.
I’m more excited about life than I have been in years!
I have a new spring in my step this week. Even more energy and zest. I’m more hopeful than ever for a better, brighter future.
The Simple Exercise That’s Changing My Life
I was astounded when I realized what I’d been telling myself. No wonder my body was breaking down! And I’ve been training my mind to create my reality for years. Yikes!!
Think Yourself 10 Years Younger!
I was astounded when I realized what I’d been telling myself. No wonder my body was breaking down! And I’ve been training my mind to create my reality for years. Yikes!!
Less Exercise is Better Than More Exercise!
When my body started to break down last year, I did some digging and found out that I actually needed to exercise less! Seriously!
The Way I Got Rid of Aches and Pains and Got Glowing Skin too. (Part 1 of 3)
I’m a firm believer that how we start the day influences how that day flows, how we feel and what we achieve.
The 5 Things I Do Every Morning to Look and Feel My Best
I’m a firm believer that how we start the day influences how that day flows, how we feel and what we achieve.
The Number #1 Secret to Being an Ageless Woman
People often tell me that I look a decade younger than I am.
I’m not trying to look younger. I’m 50 years old and I’m proud of every wrinkle I have and every bit of wisdom I’ve gained.