§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

Do you feel guilty for wanting a fabulous life?

Do you feel guilty for wanting a fabulous life?

I grew up in a family and culture in which people struggled to fulfill the basic necessities of life. I was so steeped in the mindset of “lack”, that at first, it was hard to for me to dream and imagine having the life I really want.

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3 Steps to Manifest All That Your Heart Desires

3 Steps to Manifest All That Your Heart Desires

Within a month of declaring my intention to bring my workshops to an international audience in 2018, I had groups of amazing women (and a few good men!) waiting for me in Santa Marta and Bogota (Colombia), Costa Rica and Australia.

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Quick Yet Powerful Exercise To Increase Abundance

Quick Yet Powerful Exercise To Increase Abundance

As I sat down to work on my book yesterday, my Mac crashed. The screen went black and there was nothing I could do to revive it. I panicked, thinking about all the documents I would lose since I haven’t done a back-up in a while.

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