§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

Your Ceiling Is the Universe’s Floor

Oct 6, 2020

“Your ceiling is the Universe’s floor,” Debra Poneman said to me when we were chatting recently. Her words stopped me mid-sentence. There was so much truth in them.

Debra, one of the experts in the Extraordinary Life After 40 summit is a wise, wise woman. She created her ‘Yes to Success’ seminars back in the 1980s and has trained some of the most successful transformational teachers and entrepreneurs in the world. She walks her talk.

She said what she said to me after I told her, somewhat incredulously, how my family and I manifested a free private jet to bring us back home to Colombia after six months of displacement in Florida. It was so over-the-top for me that a month later, I still can’t quite believe it!

Debra, however, wasn’t surprised at all. My ceiling (getting home) is the Universe’s floor. The Universe wanted to get us home safely and in style!

This got me thinking – where else do I put a ceiling on what’s possible? Where else do I dream too small?

One thing I am sure of after interviewing nearly 100 world-class experts over the past two years for my Extraordinary Life After 40 summits is that we are capable of manifesting so much more than we think.

As we:

Take care of our health and feel great

Balance our hormones

Learn to love ourselves, think positively and increase our happiness set-points
Cultivate fulfilling relationships
Connect to our sensuality
Create abundance, financially and in every area of our lives….
We expand the ceiling of what we think is possible! Life gets better and better!

And the Universe does its part to remind us that our ceiling is only it’s floor.

The Universe sends us even more abundance than we thought possible (unexpected gifts, income streams, opportunities, private jets).

It also reminds us of our worth by sending us wise, inspiring people who mirror the goodness within us.

For me, this summit has been a huge, huge blessing. It has connected to me to amazing wise women and has allowed us to serve 10,000 women this year!

Your kind feedback on how much you have gotten out of the summit and supportive words of encouragement have affirmed that I am indeed living my passion and purpose. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

And it has also allowed me to set a bigger dream for 2021 – to reach 20,000 women and help them get the tools and wisdom to create their extraordinary lives!

I’m putting it out there in the Universe. That’s my ceiling but the Universe’s floor. Who knows what kind of magic is in store?

What about you? Where is your ceiling the Universe’s floor? Where are you dreaming too small? What’s the really big dream?

You know I love hearing from you so feel free to leave a comment below or email me at natalie@nataliematushenko.com. I would love to know how you are feeling these days!

Happy Tuesday!




P.S. I heard your feedback – you loved the summit and want to upgrade to VIP Membership.

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