§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
What Happens After a Huge Event
The 2020 Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit has been amazing as 10,000 women joined us from every corner of the globe!
If you are new to the Extraordinary Life After 40 community, welcome! We’re thrilled that you have joined us!
Over 3,100 women have joined the private Extraordinary Life After 40 private Facebook community! If you haven’t joined yet, JOIN HERE!
You will receive support, inspiration and tools to create your extraordinary life!
I have had the pleasure of spending the past week with my family and my sangha (meditation group) in the mountains in a gorgeous retreat center. When I wasn’t working on the summit, I was meditating, taking walks in the forest and having heart-to-heart conversations with my husband and friends.
The experience helped me fall in love with Colombia and its people all over again. There are many things to love about this gorgeous culture but what really stood out for me this week is the ability of Colombians to relish the moment and to have gratitude for even the smallest of life’s pleasures.
A beautiful view
The sound of children laughing and playing
The taste of homegrown artichokes
A delicious cup of chai
A heartfelt conversation
A warm hug

As I reflect on the past three weeks, I realize how grateful I am for all of you amazing women for being a part of my community.
How grateful I am to all of you for your emails and texts full of encouragement, support and gratitude.
How appreciative I am for all of the experts who generously contributed their time, knowledge and wisdom to help all of us create extraordinary lives.
How grateful I am for my team, who worked tirelessly around the clock to put this event together and troubleshoot all the IT issues so we can get the summit videos to you!
Gratitude fills my heart and gives me energy to do what I do! Thank you!
I am grateful and I also feel the need to replenish. This week, I’m taking a much-needed R & R break! I learned a long time ago about the importance of taking time to rest and replenish after a particularly busy stretch. It’s all about balance.

Sleep in


So, what about you? What are you grateful for? What do you for R & R? How can you give yourself more rest and rejuvenation this week?
As always, I love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment below or get in touch at natalie@nataliematushenko.com. I would love to know how you are feeling these days!

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. I heard your feedback – many of you would like a payment plan to be able to upgrade to VIP membership for the summit!
You don’t have to wait to get started on creating your extraordinary life! 49 expert interviews are ready to be downloaded right now!
You’ll get access to all the expert interviews INSTANTLY, and keep them for the long-term to learn from at your own pace!
Plus, you will get over 40 bonuses worth over US$2,000 – courses, books, eBooks, eGuides, meditations and discounts. Many of these were created exclusively for the summit and are not available anywhere else.
All these amazing resources and tools will help you enhance your life immediately. Upgrade to VIP Membership here!