Uncover Your Money Personality & Manifest Abundance Masterclass
Welcome to the Uncover Your Money Personality & Manifest Abundance Course!
Once you do that, watch the video to uncover:
What's a Sacred Money Archetype?
The benefits of knowing your sacred Money Archetypes
What's your Sacred Money Contract?
How to use your Sacred Money Archetypes to mine your gifts and overcome your challenges so you can manifest more money
How to get into more alignment with money, life, relationships and your career/business
You’re going to learn so much!
Let’s get started!
Natalie Matushenko

P.S. I just want to make sure to give credit where credit is due. Much of the contents of this course is based on Kendall Summerhawk’s work with Sacred Money Archetypes. This work is copyrighted and I am licensed to deliver it. I have also added slot of my own work, especially around transforming mindset and beliefs, creating an action plan and staying motivated an on track.