§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

This Changed My Finances

Oct 1, 2024

About a decade ago, I learned that I am an Accumulator, Alchemist, and Connector and this knowledge changed my life.

What on Earth am I talking about?

These are all Sacred Money Archetypes (patterns we use to deal with money). They make up out unique money personality and were developed by Kendall Summerhawk, a guru for entrepreneurs.

Uncovering my dominant archetypes and learning about the sacred gifts and challenges of each as well as my Sacred Money Destiny was a huge lightbulb moment.

Things I have struggled with for years started to make sense.
I understood why I felt guilty spending money yet didn’t really care that much about money, at the same time. I just wanted there to be enough to do what I wanted to do and have my freedom.
I understood why, even though I consider myself an empowered woman, I sometimes felt the need to hide my spending from my husband.
I understood why I dreaded looking over my credit card bills and bank accounts.

And most importantly, I learned what I could do to change it all around – to learn to love taking care of money so it could grow and learn how to use my natural talents to manifest more abundance in my life.

I have worked on money issues for years. I grew up in an immigrant family where there was never enough money and my parents fought about money all of the time. I studied finance in the #1 finance program in the world and worked at the World Bank on huge investment projects, yet never wanted to look at my bank accounts.
I had all kinds of negative beliefs about money: “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “You have to work really hard to make money.” “Rich people aren’t good people and only care about money.”

Does that sound familiar?

But here’s what I know…
Once I uncovered these beliefs and learned to turn them around into empowering ones, everything began to change. I started to attract more and more abundance into my life.

Then I learned about my unique money personality and my Sacred Money Contract and my manifesting took a quantum leap.

I found myself:
Having brilliant ideas which manifested lots of money regularly (A major strength of my Alchemist archetype.)
Creating close relationships that turned into brilliant business partnerships (Thank you, Connector!)
Taking care of my growing fortune to grow and invest it (I am forever grateful, Accumulator!)
Uncovering my money personality was a game changer!
It allowed me to use my strengths with money to turn my financial situation around and manifest more abundance in my life.
Want to learn about your Sacred Money Archetypes and how to use them to create more abundance in your life?

Happy Tuesday!




P.S. Once you take the quiz, go here to learn how you can use the knowledge of your archetypes to make more money, have better relationships and increase abundance in all areas of your life. On this page, you’ll get access to a huge opportunity! That’s a thank-you for reading this blog post and being a part of my community!

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