§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

The Secret to Eternal Youth

Nov 9, 2021

When I was twenty, people thought I was about thirty. At thirty, they placed me at thirty-five. It took me until I was forty-five to discover the true secret of eternal youth and since then I’ve been aging backwards.

Now I’m 50 and people regularly ask me if I plan to have more children… LOL… as if three isn’t enough.

“That ship has sailed,” I laugh. But if I’m to be honest here, I can admit that I’m secretly pleased that they think I’m younger than I am.

I know that if they look closely at my face, they will see all the wrinkles that are the result of my fifty years of living.

But they don’t look at me that closely.

They are simply noticing my secret to eternal youth.

I bet you’re curious now.

I made this video for you to share with you my secret so you can have eternal youth too.

I hope it serves you like it has helped me.

And if you’re ready to uncover your passions and purpose and make the second half of your life the best half of your life, check out my signature passion and purpose life course here.

I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!




P.S. Here’s how I see it – you can stay stuck in current circumstances and uncertain future or you can take charge of your life and make 2022 the year that you finally start living the life you’ve always dreamed of! 

Create your ageless life!

Check out my signature Passion & Purpose Life Course®… 

The Passion & Purpose Life Course® was created to help you use my proven 7-step process to: 

get out of uncertainty & overwhelm 

reclaim your zest for life 

get clear on what you were put on this Earth to do at this stage of your life and start doing it! 

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