§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.
The Joys of Furry Love
Truth to tell, I have always been more of a dog person but we travel so much that I just didn’t think it was fair to a dog to bring it into our home.
And the kids were begging me for pets. So about a month ago, we brought these cute bundles of fur into our lives.
I cannot even begin to tell you how much happiness and joy this brother and sister duo, Emma and Liam, have brought into our lives.
They are so cute and their fur is so soft. And they love to be petted and carried around like babies. They want to sleep with us and be next to us all of the time.
Here’s what I’m learning about happiness from them:
1. We all need unconditional love.
Someone to love us when we are at our worst. These guys don’t seem to care when I am grumpy, hormonal or haven’t yet showered at 4 pm. They meow and cuddle up to me nonetheless, melting my heart and putting a huge smile on my face.
So what about you? Where do you get your unconditional love needs met? Where do you give it?

2. Nothing comforts us quite like touch.
It’s primal. Our skin is our primary organ and the gateway to us feeling nurtured and comforted. Whether we are touching something super soft, like the fur of a long-haired cat or the skin of a loved one or are feeling someone’s gentle touch or super soft fabric on our skin, we are instantly transported to a place of well-being and comfort.
Realizing this, I have actually decided to make it this week’s mission to enjoy touching and being touched. To wear soft, soothing, luxurious fabric. To really feel the warm water on my skin as I shower. To feel the softness of my own skin as I haven. To enjoy the silkiness of the skin on my 8-year old’s face as I kiss her goodnight. To notice the coolness of a porcelain cup followed by the warmth of my green tea as I enjoy my morning tea ritual.
I find that these sensual pleasures are adding so much happiness and joy to my day.

What about you? How would your life change if you paid attention to life’s sensual pleasures? If you allowed yourself to revel in touch?
I would love to hear from you so leave a comment below or reach out to me by email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.
Happy Tuesday!