§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
The 5 Things I Do Every Morning to Look and Feel My Best

We have a lamp inside us, the lamp of mindfulness, which we can light anytime. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile. We have to light up that lamp of mindfulness so the light will shine out and the darkness will dissipate and cease. Our practice is to light that lamp.

And so much more, you can check out the full list here.
3. Do my morning meditation (15 min).

What’s intermittent fasting?
Why do I do intermittent fasting?
I started playing around with intermittent fasting after I interviewed several experts for my last Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit. They shared about the benefits of allowing your body to get a break from digesting food and repair itself. You can read more about the benefits in this article in Healthline.

What’s the morning routine that helps you feel your best? What practices would you like to try?
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!
I’ll try and incorporate some of your ideas n my morning routine. I exercise for 1-1 and 1/2 hours every morning. I’ll try and have a different set of exercises for every second day. I have 2 glasses of warm water in the morning. I used to have one with lemon and honey. I’ll add lemon. I’ll also do exercises with wi=eights which I don’t do now.
My problem is to stay calm and positive. I am moving through a very rough period financially and that has made me become even more disorganised than usual. More than anything else I need to organise my time and do something constructive. Am now almost 77, but still pretty fit y the grace of God. I’m sure I can do better for myself. And ultimately it will be for the benefit of all. Thank you for your inspiring words.
Hi Dr. Yasmeen, thanks for reaching out! Sounds like you already do a lot to take care of yourself. Perhaps a meditation practice would be helpful to stay calm and positive. I find Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations/visualizations very helpful. And definitely doing something “constructive” (I would say something that provides you with a deep sense of purpose), would be really helpful.
Thank you for sharing all this input for your morning routine. It was very interesting.
Hi Katerina! So happy you liked it! Thanks for reaching out!
Thanks for sharing your morning routine. I do many of the same things. I am curious what you put in your green smoothies?
Hi Kristina, I don’t know if you’re on my mailing list but I sent out a recipe for the smoothie last week. Here it is again:
scoop of collagens blend
handful of kale
handful of spinach
half handful of parsley
2 celery stalks
half of a large cucumber
half handful of mint leaves
1 inch piece of peeled ginger
large tablespoon of chia or hemp seeds
juice of 1 lemon
coconut water to cover half of the ingredients
water to cover the remaining ingredients
Blend all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender and enjoy!