§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!

Simple Hack to Turn OFF the Self-Critical Voices in Your Head

Nov 2, 2021

Last week I found myself feeling uncomfortable and slightly guilty as I mentioned to a friend that I just got back from a weeklong trip to Barcelona with my 16-year-old daughter. Especially because I was in Boston visiting my 19-year-old the week before and went on an expedition deep into the Amazon earlier in September. 

After I traveled with my family around the USA all summer.

“Isn’t it a little much?” said a judgmental voice in my head.
“It’s kind of spoiled and hedonistic, isn’t it?” chimed in another.

“People are suffering all over the world more than ever now so maybe you should just keep your good fortunes to yourself,” yet another critic joined in.

These voices stopped me in my tracks.

I’ve been doing intensive personal growth work for nearly three decades.

I’ve healed layers upon layers of trauma to learn to love myself and learn to believe that I’m worth it, that I deserve the life of my dreams.

That I could serve and contribute, all while filling up my cup.

I’ve learned to receive goodness from the Universe.

And now that I’m living my dream life, the voices come back???
My first instinct was to feel guilty and embarrassed.

My second was to get defensive, “I work hard. I give to tens of thousands of women and to my family. I make a difference. If I’ve figured out a way to travel while organizing a conference for over 12,000 women, what’s wrong with that?”

Luckily this back and forth only lasted a minute.
I caught myself.
I realized that I briefly fell under the spell of all the voices I’ve heard my entire life.
The voices we all hear.

The ones that tell us to play small, to not ask for too much, to not be too big for our britches.

“Who do you think you are to want all that?” they insist.
Those are the voices that keep us from creating what we want in our lives.
That keep us from receiving the goodness and abundance that’s all around us.
I’ve been transforming these voices for years, so as soon as I caught myself hearing those voice again, I knew exactly what to do next.
I know that you too probably hear those voices much more often than you’d like so I made this video for you to share with you a simple technique to transform these voices into more positive, supportive ones. And to shift my energy from one of guilt and shame to gratitude and joy in about 30 seconds.
I hope it serves you like it has helped me.
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!



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