§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
Simple Hack to Easily Make Changes
Have you ever come back from a workshop or a retreat, all excited and ready to change your life?
Only to find out that a month later, a week later, or maybe even a day later, you’re not doing any of the things that you committed to do.
And as you realize that you’ve dropped the ball yet again, you feel that familiar sense of disappointment, maybe even of hopeless.
I get it. I’ve been there. I too have made commitments to myself with every intention of following through, only to have life get in the way.
But when I finished my monthlong Sacred Femininity Training in Nicaragua a couple of weeks ago, I swore that this time things would be different.
The changes I made in myself were just too good to lose. I wanted to keep learning and growing and I knew that I needed to incorporate the practices I learned into my daily life to make sustainable changes…
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.
Happy Tuesday!

Dear Natalie,
You have been so good sending your blogs which I have enjoyed, and gotten many insights from them. They have helped to clear my mind either to what I want or to what I don’t want right now. It is time summarize what I have firmed up with
your help and the help or other advisors. It seems that I knew from the beginning, but was not certain of if it was my circumstance or my wish. Now I have the direction which may lead me to other things as I learn more, but this is where I have started.
My first concern is radiant health without that I will not able to enjoy my remaining days. I have gained clarity on the way, and I have enrolled in qigong course, which I love, although I have to a long way to go. At the same time I have slowly worked on getting rid of clutter from my existence. Now I know how it got there. My physical limitations at this time don’t allow me to move too fast, but I am able to make better choices not to get more clutter, since I am interested in so many things.
The physical space needs to open up first, and the mental space has been opening all along. I enjoy my life, it is in motion. I am so glad that you like Qigong. too. I especially like the slow flow part. My Sensei is great and a riot. I am
grateful for the experience. Thank you for your support.
With loving thoughts.