§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
The Questions That Are Transforming My Life!
A few weeks ago, I shared about my heart issues and how I am learning to rewire my nervous system so that I take things more calmly.
It hasn’t been easy, but it has been such a worthwhile challenge because as I rewire my nervous system, I notice that everything in my life is improving.
I am calmer. I flow through my days better. My relationships are even better.
And what I love is that whenever we decide to grow, the universe does its part.
As you might know, I’ve been hosting life-changing mega summits for the past four years and I’ve had the pleasure to interview nearly 200 experts in the process.
For this years’ summit in late October (Rockin’ Life At Any Age!), which I will be co-hosting with the amazing Debra Poneman, we’ve interviewed many spectacular speakers but one interview that really stands out is with the phenomenal Katherine Woodward Thomas, an icon in the personal growth movement. She’s the founder of Conscious Uncoupling and Calling In The One. She has written multiple New York Times bestselling books. She is a renowned jazz artist. She’s a true renaissance woman and just such a beautiful soul.
What I learned from Katherine are the questions we need to ask ourselves to bring our vision of what we want to life. They are so powerful! As I ask myself these questions, I feel myself growing more fully into the woman I’m meant to be now.
I made this video for you to share these questions so you too can bring your vision to life.

Happy Tuesday!