§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

I’m coming out!

May 2, 2017


As I kick off my Passion & Purpose blog and community, I’m going to share some really personal stuff so that you know why I’m doing all this and what it’s all about. So here goes…

“I want to devour the world!” I said when my shaman asked me what the hunger inside me is trying to tell me.

Yep, I work with a shaman. Over Skype, no less.

I also work with a healer who communicates with angels.

And I, myself, have taken courses to learn to communicate with angels. Turns out I have a gift.

I also have a business degree from Wharton, a top business school. I’m an unusual combo.

And now I’m clear that want to devour the world! I want to drink it all in, eat it all up, experience everything, connect with all kinds of people (deeply), express all that I am and help others do the same!

The shaman helped me see that I no longer need to live in a box of comfort – of working with and being with people who know me and get me – that I created. The box is way too small for me now.

I am HUGE and multi-faceted and it’s OK to express all these different parts of me, my bigness and my greatness WITH NO APOLOGY!

I am a mother, wife, friend, teacher, coach, healer, writer, wise woman, artist, adventuress. I am a HUGE DREAMER. And I am insanely practical. I get huge ideas and I make them happen! I get a lot of stuff done. And I live my dreams!

I was born in the Soviet Union, raised in the United States, educated at an Ivy League University, lived in 5 countries, traveled to over 50 countries. I speak English, Spanish and Russian fluently. I can get by in French.

I have flown the Concorde from Paris to New York, eating caviar and drinking champagne, and I have happily stayed in huts made out of cow dung in India and camped under palm leaves (without a tent!) in the Amazon jungle, alone with my twelve-year old daughter and a little guy with a huge machete.

I love to get dressed up, take in an awesome art exhibit, eat yummy food and dance in New York City.  And I am nourished in nature and find my life’s purpose in deep connection to other people and to the Divine.

I have been blessed to have such a huge variety of life experiences!

In just 10 years, I went from sleeping on a mattress which my parents found in the garbage to the Wharton School, full of rich kids who flew to Paris for the weekend. Not the majority did this, of course, but I was friends with some of those who did.

Straight out of college, I got a job at the World Bank and traveled the world first class meeting with captains of industry and Ministers of Finance only to give it all up five years later to find my true purpose in life: to learn how to live my passions & purpose and teach others how to do the same.

For a year, I backpacked the world with my husband, way before it was cool to do so. (At least in the United States. The Australians and Israelis were already on to how transformative this rite of passage can be.)

I healed from addictions and a TON of childhood trauma and drama.

I created a loving, happy family where each member is thriving. I have 3 amazing girls and a soulful partnership with my husband.

I learned to eat clean and take great care of my body, mind and spirit.

I learned how to dream BIG and see opportunities everywhere.

I studied psychology and every healing modality under the sun. I learned how to make businesses successful. I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars working with the best coaches, therapists and healers. And my clients get all that knowledge by working with me.

I trained to become a coach (16 years ago! Yikes!) and hung up my shingle. I have coached hundreds of people with amazing results! People looking to change careers and create passionate, meaningful lives. Women who didn’t think they were good enough. Top executives who wanted to be more effective leaders. Non-profit executives who wanted to make a huge impact in the world.

I have done the practical and I have done the woo woo.

I turned my dream of living abroad with my family into a reality when we moved to Colombia five years ago. It was supposed to be a one-year adventure but life has been really good here! Life is slower and pleasureful. I have time for my family and for myself. I have a full-time housekeeper. And I am so grateful!!!

It hasn’t always been easy but it has been eye opening, growthful and deeply fulfilling.

(And did you know that Colombia was named the Happiest Country in the World by the Gallup Poll in 2015? Yep, despite the years of violence, corruption and huge potholes in the road. I have learned so much from these beautiful, resilient people!)

We spend summers in the United States reconnecting with friends and family. We travel for several months a year all over the world. India, New Zealand, Italy, Peru, Ecuador and many more….


And why am I telling you all this?

It’s not to brag.

It’s because I worked really hard to heal all the trauma, transform a limiting mindset, allow myself to dream and learn to believe that I was worth it and MANIFEST the life of my dreams. And because I believe anybody can do it with the right encouragement, tools and support!

Because it’s time for me to come out and LIVE OUT LOUD IN A BIGGER WAY! To declare openly and publicly who I am.

And to stop feeling like I have to apologize, just a little, for all of the abundance that’s in my life.

BECAUSE I CREATED IT! And I’m worth it! And so are you!

Because I want to devour life! Savor it! Live every second fully! And I want to inspire thousands of other women to do the same.

And I no longer want to live in a box, where I only share my spiritual and woo woo tendencies with those who I know will get it.

Because I have come to realize that there is a reason that I am who I am, with all of my gifts and talents and also my mistakes and imperfections.

And because I believe that ANYBODY can create their dream life and live their passions and purpose!

And I love to help people light up as they make the impossible possible and very doable!

There’s a reason that life only feels right to me when I live it deeply connected to my intuition and to divine energy while being in service to others.

There’s a reason that I have created the life experiences that I’ve had. Yep, even the really hard ones.

I’m here to serve the world by being all that I am and sharing all that I have learned on my life’s journey… so far… hopefully, there’s a lot more to come.

I also want to create a tribe of like-minded souls. Women (and some amazingly special men!) who also want to devour life, make a difference, and live out loud!

So how about it… are you in?

What do you need to say to live out loud? To devour life?

How have you been hiding because you’re afraid that people would judge you?

What gifts and talents of yours need to get out into the world?

I really want to get to know you and what you want to create in the world.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below so we can all get to know each other and start creating community.

Or head over to my Facebook page and join the community by sharing the answers to these questions.

It’s time for you to come out too! The world is waiting…



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