§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
I’m Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet
I’ve been working with the Law of Attraction for the past nearly 20 years and I’ve done pretty well with it.
I have been a student of Abraham-Hicks for years, have watched the Secret more times than I can count and have taught the Law of Attraction to thousands of people over the years.
I have manifested everything that I thought I wanted:

Life is pretty darn good!
So truth to tell, I only signed up for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s workshop because it’s rare that I get to be with a world-class teacher in person in Colombia. Plus, I was doing this with my husband which made it extra special.
I figured that I could always work on stuff – my lingering anxiety, ways I sometimes resist receiving abundance and whatever else I wasn’t yet aware of.
What I actually got at the Progressive weekend blew my mind.
Dr. Dispenza spent a lot of the weekend explaining the science behind the power of our mind to heal ourselves and to create miracles and magic. It was interesting but I didn’t need much convincing.

I’m already a believer that we can not only heal ourselves but create miracles and magic in our lives.
What actually blew my mind is the realization that I have kept my intentions too small all these years. Looking to improve my marriage, my finances, my living situation, etc.
I quickly realized is that what I want more than anything is deep connection to the Divine in my daily life.
I’m going to come out of the spiritual closet now.
About 6 years ago, I had what Dr. Dispenza calls a “transcendental experience”.

At the time, I thought that maybe I had a brain tumor.
I had been meditating on-and-off for nearly 20 years but had become a very serious meditator at that point of my life. I spent two hours mediating every single day and I was feeling good.
I was peaceful and in the flow.
I loved my own company and craved silence (something pretty unusual for this extrovert).
I felt such intense love for everything and everyone.
The woman serving us looked so beautiful to me (on a soul level) that I just wanted to reach out and stroke her face and give her a hug.
Everything around me looked so beautiful… the trees, the flowers, the sky.
I felt such immense gratitude for being alive, for everything in my life and could see and feel the perfection in all the imperfection. I even felt deep inner peace at the thought of our beloved Montgomery transitioning.

The best way to describe this state is pure bliss and love.
That’s when I realized that what I had was indeed a transcendental experience and started wondering, “How would my life be different if I used my energy to manifest a state of love and gratitude and bliss throughout my days?”

What about you? Are your intentions worthy of you? Of your dreams? Of your soul’s deepest longings?
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need any further info at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. You’ve wanted to live a passionate life, full of zest, for years. You’ve wanted to find your purpose.
Yet you’ve watched the years go by with nothing really changing.
How can you make this year different?
Join me in the Passion & Purpose Life Course®, which has helped thousands of people over the past twenty years create extraordinary lives!
This can be the year that you finally get out of uncertainty & overwhelm, reclaim your zest for life, get clear on what you were put on this Earth to do and be at this stage of your life and start turning your dreams into reality!