§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
How to Get Focused When You Have Too Many Changes to Make
Wow! The Rockin’ Life at Any Age Summit was a tremendous experience.
It’s always kind of weird for me when a big project is over after 8 months of work.
For me, like many of you, the question is often, “What’s next?”
“There is so much that I want to do and change, but where (and how??!) to start?”
Whether you watched the summit videos and are now wondering how to implement all that you learned or didn’t watch them, but still wondering how to get started on making the changes you want to make in your life, there’s a simple way to get started.
I’ve worked with hundreds of thousands of people over the past two decades in helping them create their dream lives. And everybody started with the same first steps.
I made this video for you to share with you the steps you can take to get started on creating the life you want. I hope you enjoy it!
For only $27 you can own the Speaker Summary Notes from the entire Rockin’ Life at Any Age Summit! Yep, that means you can have concise and thorough notes of the main points of knowledge and the recommended action steps from all the 68 free interviews and the 65 deep-dive interviews!!
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.

Happy Tuesday!