§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
How to Finally Love Yourself
It sounded like a great idea.
To love myself, to make myself a priority.
And yet I wondered, “What does it mean to really love myself?”
“How do I love myself?”
I really had no idea how to do that.
Can you relate?
After three decades of working on loving myself, I finally found the answer to these questions.
And living into that answer has changed my life and my relationship with myself in profound ways.
I love connecting with you! Leave a comment below or send me an email at natalie@nataliematushenko.com.
Happy Tuesday!
I do not know HOW to find my inner child…
Sorry Natalie, there are just too many people asking us to watch their videos. Just don’t have time. I would prefer your, no doubt, informative emails. Life if just too busy for all of us.
Hello Natalie, I am following you from the EU. I am 49 years old and have 2 kids (age 13+9) and the process of separation (after divorce) from my 14 years of husband. I have no job, no skill set (plus learning a new language due to our recent move to another county) and I am going a very hard time due to feeling 1- not able to support myself financially and be dependent on my partner 2- I am not working last 14 years and very hard to get into the workforce (no one wants to hire someone at this age without any specific skill set PLUS not knowing the local language (language) only job that I can do cleaning work 3-I don’t know where to start? I feel lost.. without purpose and direction & You name it more… every part of my life falling apart and I don’t know where to start and how and with what ?? Last 2 years,I got into all this meditation and the spiritual journey because I was feeling so unhappy (that’s why I decided to separate my way.. I felt I have no feeling/love towards my husband) I follow many coaches and watch their free programs to see if I can implement anything with myself.. I am also following M.Paul about Innerchild..
My Q. I have lost my divine energy..divine power..my courage..my strength my fuel to cope such a long time ago.. &
I cannot feel any power/energy in my heart.. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how Can I bring it back ( I remember when I was a child I had that feeling in my chest..in my gut..in my heart.. I also had a very traumatic childhood and over the years I lost that divine power..) How Can I switch myself.. find my place..find my purpose in the universe?
So totally agree. At 76 I phrase it differently. I want to listen to all my parts within, honoring the mental thoughts that reactor plot or plan, the emotional wisdom and keep my energy in motion rather than remain in ‘stuck’, and my physical capacities seem to need more and more attention. As a human I have these capacities for expression. As a Being, so much Grace and Wisdom that can guide me and help me.
I’m finding myself needing to stop frequently during the day just to breathe and ask what needs my attention. How did I get it all done when I was parenting, working, etc, etc, etc?