§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

Get Into Action in 2018 (and Perhaps Publish Your First Book!)

Jan 18, 2018


Happy 2018! May this be your best year yet!

Did you do the “Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet Worksheet” yet?

If not, I really suggest you put aside 30 min and do it. How can you make 2018 your best year yet unless you take the time to figure out (and put down on paper) what a great year would look like for you? Get it here. 

I’m in Sri Lanka right now with my family exploring this gorgeous country and having so much fun!

And yes, I made the whole family to do the worksheet (even our 7-year-old did it!).

They resisted at first but then they got into it. It was really illuminating to do it all individually and then talk about it and see how we can all support each other in making our dreams come true. 

Ironically, we wouldn’t even be in Sri Lanka right now if I didn’t have travel and adventure as one of my big goals for 2017… although to be fair, that’s one of my big goals every year.

I’m such a big believer in using the energy of the new year to visualize and dream and get clear and focused on what you want to create. The clearer you get, the more likely you are to make it happen.

That’s why I decided to kick off the WOMEN LIVING PASSIONATELY: Honest Conversations with Women Who Are Making a Difference series in 2018 with my conversation with Mary Shores, who has spent her entire career as an author, speaker, and entrepreneur generating positive and pragmatic solutions for people who are freaking out.

Mary is whip-smart, talented and such an inspiring example of a woman who hears the calls of her soul, gets clear on the next step of her journey, takes action and makes stuff happen… and then she teaches others how to do it too.

She also just published her first book and has a great resource for the aspiring writers out there!

Mary is a powerhouse and very inspiring as you kickoff 2018! Enjoy!

You can sign up here to watch or listen to our conversation.


P.S. The recording for this conversation wasn’t the best. There are a few minutes when it gets “warbled” but there’s so much good stuff in there that it’s really worth listening to.

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