§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD!
Feeling anxious? Here’s what to do…
As I write this, we have decided to stay in Florida to support my elderly parents during this turbulent time.
Yet, Colombia is my kids’ home. It has become our home. Our cats and horse are there. Close friends (like family) are there. Our apartment is there. Our stuff is there.
We’re living in an Airbnb house and will need to keep moving around as houses become available. We try to make it a grand adventure but we feel unmoored and untethered at times.
And then there’s the news. I try not to watch it but my husband is a bit of an addict. Every time he shares something with me, I feel a punch to my gut.
If I let myself go there, I can easily spiral down into a pit of anxiety.
Having suffered from anxiety for years, I have learned a lot of tools and have gotten really good at cultivating inner peace. But I have to confess, the Coronavirus and all of its implications have really put my tools to the test.
I am happy to report however that they work.
Here’s my 8-step self-care routine to maintain inner peace in the midst of the chaos:

1. Breathe deeply 10 X as I visualize cosmic energy entering my body through my spine and then moving through my chakras cleaning them out.
This is a very powerful exercise. – 1 minute.
2. Do energy balancing exercises.
I fill myself up with cosmic energy, ground myself, and release from my energy field all that doesn’t serve me. I have found these to be indispensable for day-to-day living, especially in stressful times. This is like getting dressed for me.
5 to 10 min.

3. Set energetic boundaries so that other people’s energy doesn’t trigger me.

So important, especially during quarantine or living in close quarters with other people. We love them but when was the last time we spent so much time together under anxious circumstances?

4. Listen to my own morning meditation.
It sets me up to create what I want to create rather than spiral into the negative of what could be.
5. Exercise.
Indoors or outdoors, wherever, just get your body moving. This improves mood, releases endorphins and helps you feel like you can handle anything.

6. Aromatherapy.

I personally use DoTerra’s Copaiba, Elevate and Balance. There are many wonderful oils out there and we now have plenty of time to research them and experiment.

7. Eat nourishing foods.
And I’m not talking about mac-n-cheese and brownies. I’m talking about the foods that truly nourish the body – vegetables, fruits, my green smoothie. I feel more peaceful as I fill my body with stuff that’s good for it!
8. Drink lots of water and herbal teas.
Dehydration is bad for your body and for your mental health. Keep your body well hydrated and you will feel so much better!

These 8 self- care pieces have become a staple in my daily life and I notice that they work just as well now under times of collective stress.
But what to do when the anxiety takes over and they are not enough?
This is a very powerful practice, not only to reduce anxiety but to transform the underlying issues that lead to anxiety. I have adapted the original to my own version which works well for me. I encourage you to check it out and see if it works for you. There are many videos about havening available online.
Otherwise known as Tapping. It’s very powerful and helps you transform the beliefs underlying your anxiety. You feel better quickly!
I share my toolkit with you in the hopes that it will help you maintain your center in times of stress and uncertainty.
What about you? What do you do to maintain inner peace?
I love hearing from you so feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Tuesday!
Thank you for your sharing your wisdom Natalie!
Stay safe
Hugs to you and the family
With lots of love Patty! xoxo