§ We came to this world to LIVE OUT LOUD.

Do You Trust Your Body?

Oct 16, 2017


Do you feel great in your body? Confident that you can trust its messages?

If not, I know how you feel. There was a time when I was 20 pounds overweight and couldn’t walk up the stairs without huffing and puffing. I had little energy and ate way too much junk.

I was out of touch with my body and with my intuition. I was lost.

Over the years, I turned that around. I started exercising, doing yoga and changed the way that I eat. I lost the excess weight and started to feel healthy and full of energy.

Best of all, the more I took care of my body, the more it started to speak to me.

As I learned to listen to my body’s messages, it made my intuition razor sharp. My body started steering me towards my purpose.

If all this sounds intriguing to you, you’re going to love this week’s WOMEN LIVING PASSIONATELY: Honest Conversations with Women Who Are Living Their Passion & Purpose.

This Wednesday, I will make available my straight-talking unedited conversation with Mia Moran, a bestselling author and speaker and mama of 3 who makes time to eat right—and shows time-strapped families how they can too.

If you haven’t already, you can sign up to watch (or listen to) the conversation here. By signing up, you’ll also get access to other conversations with amazing women who are all living their passion and purpose and making a huge impact in the world.

In this week’s conversation, Mia talks about her journey from being overweight, low-energy and exhausted after the birth of her third child to becoming a healthy, energized hot mama entrepreneur and then helping her entire family get healthy by eating right.  Mia used her biggest pain points to not only dramatically improve her own life but to create a thriving business helping other moms while using all her gifts, talents and life experience.

Sign up to watch (or listen to) the conversation here.

Have a fantastic Tuesday!


P.S. I would love to spread the wisdom and share these interviews with all the people who would benefit from them. Please help me out (and help your friends and family out!) by sharing on Facebook or Twitter or just by forwarding this email to anybody you know who may benefit!

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